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Sunday, October 6, 2024

How SEO Coaching Can Produce Quick Results

Having a website is a must for every business that aspires to attract new clients, establish a strong digital presence, and create a great first impression. Many people don’t trust companies that don’t have a website. They question their legitimacy and trustworthiness. However, the fact that you’ve built a website won’t suffice if your site isn’t optimized for search engines. If you want your potential customers to easily find your content through search engines, you need to have an SEO strategy in place. It will make sure your website appears among relevant organic search results... [...]

How to Achieve Marketing Success in 2021

2020 brought us a ton of unexpected things. Let us end this year with a hope to see newer opportunities to move on. ClickZ contributor Julia Stead has shared four key decisions that can help you to achieve marketing success in 2021. She says, “It would be the understatement of the year to say 2020 didn’t turn out as expected for marketers. As we look toward 2021, most teams are trying to plan for success in a market landscape that they know will continue to shift. My team analyzed how marketers invested their budgets in 2020, hoping to understand trends in how marketers were pivoting previous... [...]

Meetvio is back; bigger, better webinars and meetings #ad

Your favorite webinar software has been revised to make it even better. What is Meetvio Evolution? Meetvio Evolution is the second generation of an all-in-one meeting, webinar, and autowebinar platform. You have probably seen and used a meeting platform (like Zoom), or a webinar platform (like GoToWebinar) or an autowebinar platform (like EverWebinar). This is a complete solution that allows you to run every kind of webinar known to mankind. Now, you can run Live Webinars, Meetings, Evergreen Webinars, and Hybrid Webinars, all without needing any technical skills, and, during the launch, all for... [...]

How to Video to Grow Your Brand [Podcast]

Tim Stodz has published a new podcast episode ‘How to Video to Grow Your Brand’ featuring Vincenzo Landino. He says, “Vincenzo is the founder of Aftermarq, which is a digital agency that specialized in creating video content. In our conversation, Vincenzo and I talked about the evolution of video over the last ten years, and why video has been such an effective marketing channel for his clients. But Vincenzo is more than just a guru. He has two of his own YouTube channels in which he shares his own ideas and is creating growing companies on his own right. His personal YouTube... [...]

15 Ways to Promote Your Website in 2021

A well-designed and responsive website is the key to generating more and more leads and converting them into customers. It helps you to extend your reach and get more sales done. Tomedes contributor Ofer Tirosh has shared 15 ways to help you promote your website in 2021. Tirosh says, “I’ve put together these tips on how to increase traffic to your website with budget as the top priority. There are plenty of costs involved in setting up a new website but promoting it and trying to increase traffic aren’t among them. Before you start spending, I highly recommend trying each of the tips... [...]

Do You Make These Mistakes with Intent Data?

The intent data shows which leads or accounts are actively performing an online search. With appropriate use of intent data, you can boost conversions and sales. ClickZ contributor Kirsten Markson has shared the three most destructive mistakes marketers make with intent data. He says, “Growing usage of intent data is proof that marketers are excited about its promise: to illuminate who is actively in the market for a solution, and the topics in which they are likely interested. But the downside is that, if not used correctly, intent data will fail to deliver results. To help you avoid pitfalls... [...]

Using the Lessons of 2020 to be a more Resilient Marketer in 2021 and Beyond, January 29 [Webinar]

Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar ‘Using the Lessons of 2020 to be a more Resilient Marketer in 2021 and Beyond’ on Friday, January 29, 2021, at 1.00 pm ET. The CMI team says, “Marketing teams experienced many setbacks in 2020 including but not limited to budget cuts, moving to a remote workforce, and canceled events. Moving into 2021, the marketing teams that are going to be the strongest are the ones that forged a new path forward for their team based on the lessons of 2020. In this webinar, we dive into… What makes a marketing team resilient and how to set... [...]

Content Marketing and Copywriting – Explained

Copywriting is the key to successful content marketing. With effective copywriting skills, you can continue to make your content persuasive and impactful. Copyblogg’er Sonia Simone has published an article highlighting the difference between content marketing and copywriting. She says, “From a traditional marketing standpoint, there’s a simple answer to the question, “What’s the difference between content marketing and copywriting?” Content marketing means creating and sharing valuable free content to attract and convert prospects into customers — and customers into repeat... [...]

Five Steps to Edit Your Content

Copyblogger contributor Stefanie Flaxman has shared a five-step guide to help you edito and improve your content. She says, “Here are five smart self-editing strategies that help turn your drafts into memorable content. 1. Locate your goal You should be able to succinctly state why you’re going to publish the piece of content you’re editing. Reference your content calendar to identify how the article serves both your audience and your business. That statement won’t go directly in your text most of the time, but it helps influence the message you’ll communicate. Your introduction... [...]

Improve Your Marketing Performance with These Persuasive Video Strategies

Video is an integral element of you all our marketing initiatives. It helps you to move closer to the audience and prompt them for action. Copyblogger’s Brian Clark has shared some useful persuasive video strategies that can help you to prompt action. He says, “Let’s take a look at the things to keep in mind to make your video content — whether live-action or presentation-style — worth watching until the end. Audio techniques and structure still apply … but differently As you might have guessed, the four copywriting techniques that are great for audio content — stories and... [...]

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