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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Archive for the 'LinkedIn Marketing' Category

My Best LinkedIn Strategy for Lead Generation [Video]

Using LinkedIn for lead generation involves leveraging the platform’s professional network to connect with potential clients and partners. By sharing valuable content and engaging with industry-specific groups, businesses can attract and nurture high-quality leads. The latest ‘Masters in Marketing’ video is titled ‘My Best LinkedIn Strategy for Lead Generation’ featuring Natasha Vilaseca. The MiM team says, “If you’re in B2B sales and not leveraging LinkedIn, you’re leaving money... [...]

My NEW LinkedIn business growth strategy [Video]

A LinkedIn business growth strategy leverages targeted networking and thought leadership to build professional relationships and industry credibility. Consistently sharing valuable content and engaging with relevant groups can drive brand awareness and generate leads. The latest ‘Masters in Marketing’ video is titled ‘My NEW LinkedIn business growth strategy’. The MiM team says, “Get ready to skyrocket your LinkedIn growth in 2024! In this video, LinkedIn consultant Natasha Vilaseca shares... [...]

Optimize Your LinkedIn Routine [Podcast]

The latest Digital Marketing Institute podcast is ‘Optimize Your LinkedIn Routine’. The DMI team says, “LinkedIn is 20 years old, and it’s never been so popular! In this episode of the DMI podcast, host ⁠Will Francis⁠ chats with ⁠Luan Wise⁠, a long-time LinkedIn user and trainer and all-round social media consultant. They look at how you can use LinkedIn to fit your needs, the best ways to interact, comment and post, how to leverage the company page for employee advocacy, all while taking good care of your own personal brand. We also get Luan’s thoughts on... [...]

LinkedIn Branding for Marketing Agency Owners [Podcast]

LinkedIn branding involves curating a professional profile that highlights your expertise, achievements, and industry insights to establish a strong personal brand. Engaging with industry-related content and networking strategically can enhance visibility and credibility on the platform. Social Media Examiner has published the latest Social Media Marketing Podcast episode ‘LinkedIn Branding for Marketing Agency Owners’ featuring Michelle J Raymond. This episode covers the following: The Importance of LinkedIn... [...]

LinkedIn Written Content Strategy: From Ideas to Stories and Beyond [Podcast]

LinkedIn is crucial in marketing for its ability to connect businesses with a vast network of professionals, facilitating B2B engagements and lead generation. Additionally, it offers targeted advertising options that enhance brand visibility among industry-specific audiences. Social Media Examiner has published the latest episode of the Social Media Marketing Podcast ‘LinkedIn Written Content Strategy: From Ideas to Stories and Beyond’ featuring Michaela Alexis. This episode covers the following: Why the Written... [...]

Using LinkedIn as a Marketing Venue

LinkedIn is often seen as a venue for networking with others in your industry, building a web of connections that may, over time, advance your career. It certainly is that, but it can also be a tool for making immediate sales, not just by placing ads on the site, but also by the content of your posts. You can place a Call to Action in your posts, asking people to contact you, visit your website, etc. Yu may be able, as some others are, to operate the entire public face of your business on LinkedIn. If you are hesitant to be blatantly commercial in your LinkedIn content, you’re not alone.... [...]

Using LinkedIn to Increase Your Sales [Podcast]

LinkedIn turns you into a magnet for qualified leads. Craft a stellar profile that showcases your expertise, then engage with relevant groups and share valuable content to build trust. Targeted outreach with personalized messages fosters connections, while utilizing LinkedIn Sales Navigator helps you laser-focus on high-potential prospects. Social Media Examiner has published the latest episode of the Social Media Marketing Podcast ‘Using LinkedIn to Increase Your Sales’ featuring Hala Taha. This episode covers... [...]

How To Create a Professional LinkedIn Profile in 2024 [Video]

HubSpot has published a new video ‘How To Create a Professional LinkedIn Profile in 2024’. The HubSpot team says, “Long gone are the days of thinking of LinkedIn as an online resume. To truly leverage the platform’s potential, it’s important to optimize your LinkedIn profile to enhance online visibility, establish credibility, and build trust. In this video, we’ll explore the key elements of an optimized LinkedIn profile and provide tips and strategies for crafting a profile that can transform how you navigate your career and build professional relationships. It’s... [...]

Copyblogger Highlights LinkedIn Personal Branding Strategy

A robust LinkedIn personal branding strategy involves optimizing your profile with relevant keywords and showcasing your expertise through engaging content. Cultivating meaningful connections and participating in industry discussions further solidifies your professional image and enhances networking opportunities. Copyblogger contributor Megan Mahoney has published an article featuring a LinkedIn personal branding strategy used by influencers. She says, “In this post, we’ll reveal the strategy many successful solopreneurs use to build their personal brands on LinkedIn. And the best part... [...]

How to Get the Most Out of LinkedIn [Podcast]

LinkedIn marketing is the process of using the professional networking platform to promote and advertise a brand or business. Social Media Examiner has published the latest episode of the Social Media Marketing Podcast ‘How to Get the Most Out of LinkedIn’ featuring Louise Brogan. The SME team says, “Want to develop more LinkedIn connections that lead to sales? Looking for a strategy to guide your outreach and networking? Explore a creative way to get more out of your LinkedIn activities.”                   Social... [...]

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