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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Archive for the 'Internet Sales Tax' Category

HubSpot’s analysis on how the tax bill will impact your business

Last month the US government announced the tax overhaul. It has many amendments which will affect the businesses. HubSpot columnist Amanda Zantal-Wiener has presented an analysis of the taz bull and how it is going to affect the businesses. Amanda has addressed the following questions: How well do you understand the tax bill’s potential financial impact on your business? Do you think the tax bill’s financial impact will benefit or harm your business? Do you think the tax bill will benefit or harm your employees? What kind of businesses do you think will benefit the most from the tax... [...]

‘8 Steps to Prepare Your Online Business for Tax Time’ – Shopify

Richard Lazazzera says, “Tax season is here, and whether it’s your first year in business or your tenth year, it always feels like there’s an endless list of tasks to get through to file your return. This step-by-step guide will help you get organized so you can get a jump start and file your 2014 tax return well before it’s due. Let’s get started. Step 1: Remember These Tax Deadlines Tax deadlines can sneak up on you. Missing them can result in expensive penalties. Your taxes are due on April 15, 2015 (or March 16 for corporations). Depending on the nature of your business,... [...]

‘Researchers Say Online Sales Tax Caused 10% Drop In Amazon Purchases’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Researchers Say Online Sales Tax Caused 10% Drop In Amazon Purchases”. Amy Gesenhues says, “A 42-page paper published by researchers from Ohio State University claims Amazon shoppers in states that have enacted online sales tax lawshave reduced their spending on Amazon by 10 percent. reported on “The Amazon Tax” study which tracked the spending habits of 245,000 households that had spent at least $100 on Amazon during the first half of 2012 and followed their spending habits through 2013. According... [...]

‘Facebook: We Define News Feed Quality At Source Level, Not By Content Type’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Facebook: We Define News Feed Quality At Source Level, Not By Content Type”. Matt McGee says, “Still coming to terms with Facebook’s recent promises to reward high-quality content in the News Feed, and what it means for your brand and/or clients? In an interview today with AllThingsD, Facebook’s News Feed Manager Lars Backman, sheds a little more lighton what the company is trying to do with the recent News Feed changes. Backman downplays a comparison with Google’s Panda Update in 2011, which targeted low-quality... [...]

‘Not Who, But What, Is Driving Google?’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Not Who, But What, Is Driving Google?”. Kevin Ryan says, “With the depth of attention given to Google’s broken promises lately, the natural-language-processing, sometimes-sponsored-content-identifying engine clearly has some ‘splaining to do. For those of you who haven’t read Danny Sullivan’s excellent piece from a few weeks ago, let me elaborate on those broken promises. Google at one time decried paid inclusion — but then, in 2012, it turned its once-organic shopping search engine into a pay-to-play... [...]

‘The Future Of Internet Sales Tax’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “The Future Of Internet Sales Tax: What’s Next After The Supreme Court’s Denial Of Amazon, Overstock Appeals?”. Ginny Marvin says, “This week, the Supreme Court declined to hear appeals filed by Amazon and that challenged the ability of states to collect sales tax on items sold online by out-of-state retailers. The appeals stem from New York’s passing of what has become known as the “Amazon Tax,” which expands the definition of  nexus to include in-state affiliate marketers. Amazon and [...]

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