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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Archive for the 'Internet Marketing' Category

2024 Organic Traffic Benchmarks & Search Trends: How Does Your Site Compare?, August 14 [Webinar]

Assessing your website’s organic search performance against the latest industry benchmarks is essential for contextualizing data and fine-tuning your SEO & content strategies. Search Engine Journal is hosting a webinar ‘2024 Organic Traffic Benchmarks & Search Trends: How Does Your Site Compare?’ on Wednesday, August 7, 2024, at 2.00 pm ET. The SEJ team says, “Join Shannon Vize and Ryan Maloney of Conductor as they unveil the most recent organic search traffic benchmarks, trends, and insights for 2024 to elevate your search strategy for maximum impact. You’ll... [...]

Guide To Keyword Prioritization [Guide]

Keyword prioritization involves identifying and ranking the most relevant and high-impact keywords to optimize content for search engines. This process ensures that the selected keywords align with target audience intent and business objectives to maximize visibility and traffic. Search Engine Journal has published ‘A Guide To Keyword Prioritization & The Newest Query Matching Controls In Google Ads’. Ginny Marvin says, “We’ll cover various scenarios and what to keep in mind for each prioritization rule – as well as what you need to know about the latest in query matching... [...]

Kindle Bundle: Ready-to-Use e-Book Templates #ad

Ever envisioned bringing your creative book ideas to life as e-books? Kindle Bundle has been crafted with this one goal in mind. This unique unique collection of publishing resources combines artisanal coloring book illustrations with exceptional low-content book layouts, e-book cover designs, and more, providing you with a holistic toolkit to make your creative dreams come true. Think about it: you are getting lifetime access to a treasure trove of over 1553 distinctive template designs used to create your own e-books (especially, Kindle books). This collection gives you the freedom to effortlessly... [...]

How to use internal linking for SEO [Video]

Internal linking involves creating hyperlinks that connect different pages within the same website, helping to improve navigation and the distribution of page authority. This strategy enhances the user experience and can positively impact search engine rankings by allowing search engines to better understand the site’s structure and content. Google Search Central has published a new video ‘How to use internal linking for SEO’. The GSC team says, “Internal links are important for users to navigate between content and pages on your website. In this episode of SEO Made... [...]

Cracking Open The Local SEO Bucket: 5 Finger-lickin’ Strategies For 2024, August 7 [Webinar]

New SEO strategies are crucial for staying ahead in the competitive digital landscape, ensuring your website remains visible and accessible to potential customers. Search Engine Journal is hosting a webinar ‘Cracking Open The Local SEO Bucket: 5 Finger-lickin’ Strategies For 2024’ on Wednesday, August 7, 2024, at 2.00 pm ET. The SEJ team says, “Explore the core areas of discovery, relevance, experience, engagement, and conversions, with actionable takeaways to master the dynamic landscape of local SEO. Learn about: Proven strategies KFC used to enhance their... [...]

The hard work of maintaining your Google rankings [Podcast]

Maintaining Google rankings requires consistent optimization of your website’s content, structure, and performance. Regularly updating high-quality, relevant content and adhering to SEO best practices can help sustain visibility and drive organic traffic. The latest The SERP’s Up SEO podcast episode is titled ‘The hard work of maintaining your Google rankings’. The Wix team says, “How do you successfully rank your site’s content at the top of the SERP… and then keep it there for the long haul? Wix’s Mordy Oberstein and Crystal Carter are... [...]

Meet the New Metric of Marketing Success [Video]

Marketing success metrics are quantitative measures used to gauge the effectiveness of marketing strategies and campaigns. These metrics help in assessing ROI, customer engagement, brand awareness, and overall market impact. Content Marketing Institute has published a new video ‘Meet the New Metric of Marketing Success’. The CMI team says, “The AI era has ushered in a new metric of marketing performance: Share of Model (SoM). It aims to comparatively gauge a brand’s value by its mentions on one or multiple large language models (LLMs). The specific definitions and how to calculate... [...]

Reminder- Holistic Search 2.0: Optimizing and Measuring Organic & Paid Performance, July 24 [Webinar]

This is a reminder for the SEJ webinar to be held on July 24, 2024. In today’s competitive digital landscape, understanding the full impact of both organic and paid search efforts is crucial for driving effective marketing strategies. Search Engine Journal is hosting a webinar ‘Holistic Search 2.0: Optimizing and Measuring Organic & Paid Performance’ on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, at 2.00 pm ET. The SEJ team says, “Join us as we delve into the intricate relationship between organic and paid search channels, offering actionable insights for measuring success to... [...]

How to Start & Grow a Youtube Channel using Evergreen Videos [Video]

Growing a YouTube channel requires consistent, high-quality content that engages and retains viewers, combined with effective use of SEO to enhance discoverability. Building a community through regular interaction with your audience and leveraging social media for promotion can also significantly boost growth. The latest ‘Masters in Marketing’ video is titled ‘How to Start & Grow a Youtube Channel using Evergreen Videos’. The MiM team says, “In this video, we’ll dive into the secret... [...]

Instant Leads Hack: Find people who know they need your product #ad

James Renouf and partners have recently developed Instant Leads Hack, a fresh and innovative technique for generating leads, which has proven to be highly effective over the last few months. This method consistently finds over 50 quality leads daily. The technique is quite simple and straightforward, consisting of just four easy steps: ➡️ First, you can effortlessly set up your system for generating leads with just a few mouse clicks ➡️ This system then sifts through millions of online discussions to identify individuals urgently seeking solutions to their issues ➡️ These potential... [...]

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