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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Archive for the 'Display advertising tips' Category

Entrepreneur Mag shares five misconceptions about ad networks

Entrepreneur Magazine contributor Ashish Bahukhandi has shared five misconceptions about ad networks that exist among marketers. Bahukhandi says, “Nowadays the corporate sector has a strong association with ad network industry to cater the specialized ads focused on target consumer and their behaviour. This association has leveraged the corporate sector on a very major level. With the aid of technology, ad industry has been able to achieve many milestones and establish itself as a market force worth reckoning. However, some common misconceptions about the ad networks still exist. Let’s... [...]

Improve your display advertising performance with these tips

Display advertising is one of the most effective ways to get new prospects and spread a word about your products and services. Marketing Land columnist Jacob Baadsgaard has shared three ways to help marketers improve their display advertising performance. On picking the right placements for ads, Baadsgaard says, “When it comes to display advertising, Google wants you to get impressions… lots and lots of impressions. However, they don’t really care whether or not those impressions actually turn into paying customers. You get an impression, they get paid, and they’re happy. As you can... [...]

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