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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Archive for the 'Instagram Insights' Category

ITaggz: Discover Best Ranking Instagram Hashtags in Seconds #ad

Instagram is the rising star on the social media scene. Thousands of people use it daily and depend on it for trends, fashions and fun. Every marketer worth his/her salf wants to profit from this popular platform. However, profiting from it turns out to not be as easy as you might think. In fact, most marketers fail time and time again using Instagram. There could be several reasons why. For example, Problem 1: You can’t get your content the same level of exposure the superstars get. Problem 2: You can’t design the content your audience is hungry for. Problem 3: You can’t turn... [...]

Here’s a short guide on ‘Instagram Insights’

Instagram Insights help you find out more information about your Instagram followers and the people interacting with your business on Instagram network. HubSpot columnist Amanda Zantal-Wiener has shared a short guide to use Instagram Insights. Amanda says, “To use Instagram Insights, you must first have a business profile. If you’re already using a personal account, you can switch to a business profile with a few steps: Make sure your Instagram profile is public. Private profiles cannot be used as business ones. Go to your profile and tap the gearshift wheel icon to visit your settings. Tap... [...]

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