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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Archive for the 'Content Creation Checklist' Category

Maintain content quality with these 10 tips

In content marketing quality is the topmost priority that marketer should have. Original and fresh content can help your sites indexed well and get more visitors. An Orbit Media infographic shared by HubSpot shares ten ways to measure the effectiveness of the content. Barry Feldman says, “Last year, Orbit Media’s annual blogger research indicated that less than 32% of bloggers always check their analytics. If that number seems low to you, it’s actually a up a few notches from years prior. Not good. Content marketing metrics-phobia? Is that an actual thing? It must be. But here’s... [...]

Entrepreneur’s 7-Step Content Creation Checklist

Content creation requires a vision and creativity. It is very important to project the most important and useful detail to your audiences when you publish a piece online. Entrepreneur columnist Steve Lazuka has shared a  seven-step content creation checklist. Lazuka says, “Content development is an art. It’s a lot more than starting with a topic, writing down some words and hitting publish. When writers start out developing a new piece of content, it’s a process. In order to help you to create your own digital content, we’ve written out this process, step-by-step. 1. Start... [...]

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