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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Archive for the 'Growth Marketing Goals' Category

SEL’s Growth marketing 2024 playbook

Growth marketing is a long-term marketing strategy that aims to increase a company’s revenue by improving customer retention and loyalty. It involves a process of experimentation and optimization, using data from marketing campaigns to inform adjustments to the marketing strategy. Search Engine Land contributor Daryl Fanelli has published the ‘Growth marketing 2024 playbook’. She says, “Because growth marketing is about keeping your most reliable customers engaged and excited to recommend your brand to their friends, you’ll first want to define who those customers are... [...]

Forbes Shares Four Ways to Crush Growth Marketing Goals

Growth marketing focuses on customer relationship building and fostering loyalty; it’s a long-term strategy where authenticity and engagement create advocacy and organically grow customer lifetime values. Forbes contributor John Hall has shared four ways to crush your growth marketing goals. He says, “Here are four ways to meet—and even crush—your growth marketing goals. 1. Use More Than One Channel The marketing landscape is more dynamic than ever. TV, radio and print are still around, but companies also reach consumers through social media and guerilla marketing tactics. Novel... [...]

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