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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Archive for the 'Facebook Paper' Category

‘Facebook Adds Features to Paper, Says Slow Growth Is No Concern’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Facebook Adds Features to Paper, Says Slow Growth Is No Concern”. Kurt Wagner says, “Facebook Paper, the standalone news reader app the company launched in January, released its first significant app update Friday — adding a couple new features to the News Feed section of the app as well as making a few subtle design tweaks. You can now see birthdays and events within Paper by clicking on the notifications tab in the upper righthand corner of the app and scrolling to the bottom. Users can also add a photo to a comment by using the phone’s... [...]

‘Facebook Paper: What Can eBusiness Pros Learn About The Need For Multiple, Simple Apps?’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Facebook Paper: What Can eBusiness Pros Learn About The Need For Multiple, Simple Apps?”. Julie Ask says, “Facebook will launch its new Paper product on February 3. The questions I have been asked are, “Why?” and “Should we be thinking about multiple apps rather than one large app?” Both good questions. The first question — I can only take a shot. Facebook, like many other media properties, depends heavily on advertising for revenue. To get advertising, you need eyeballs. More and more minutes per... [...]

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