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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Archive for the 'Branding' Category

Essential Metrics You Need to Measure Brand Awareness

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The power of a having a respected brand

Well-respected brands can charge extra for their products. Ever since there have been mass media, that has been true. That’s why Coca-Cola costs more than a store brand. That’s why Nike sneakers cost so much. Any business, even yours, that makes a name for itself can use its good reputation to charge higher prices. This can go to extremes. Some of the biggest names can charge premium prices that seem to be exorbitant, but they can keep on selling at these prices, anyway. Foster Kamer has looked at this phenomenon, particularly in regard to Apple’s ability to charge prices that... [...]

Brand Levers: How to work with Google, not against them #ad

No question, Google can send a lot of traffic to your website. Unfortunately, many webmasters try to trick Google into sending traffic, rather than understanding what Google values and giving it to them. Bill Guthrie has just released Brand Levers a few hours ago. It’s the latest training on what it takes to impress Google and rise in the search results. Brand Levers is over 90 minutes of video-based training. In it, Guthrie pulls back the veil of what works (and what doesn’t work) in content marketing today. If you use tactics that try to game Google in one way or another, you will... [...]

5-Step Branding Game Plan #ad

“Name brands” have the best market success. Many more people buy Coca-Cola than buy Brand X. The same can be true for your business, too. Make your business a recognized figure in your niche, and your sales will increase. But how do you do that? 5-Step Branding Game Plan give you a five-step plan for creating an unforgettable brand. Creating a recognized brand is easier than you might think, but it does require some work, some guidance from experts and some patience. Absorb the introductory video in 5-Step Branding Game Plan to understand what’s required for a top brand. Then,... [...]

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