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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Archive for the 'B2B marketing campaigns' Category

Get more traffic to you B2B sites with these strategies

Getting traffic to your B2B website is a challenge. But with right strategies you can tackle this challenge. A well-planned website that is ready to be optimized by search engines could be one of the ways to make search engines realize your presence on the web. Econsultancy columnist Jeff Rajeck has shared three tips to help B2B marketers generate more traffic to their sites. On how to deal with Google algorithm, Rajeck says, “There is little doubt that organic search, especially from Google, is one of the best ways for B2B marketers to drive traffic to their site. To make this happen, though,... [...]

5 Ways to empower your b2b marketing

B2B marketers face several challenges. For example, when it comes to lead generation barriers, 42% of B2B marketing professionals state that a lack of quality data is the biggest problem. To help B2B marketers enhance their efforts, HubSpot’s Taylor Burke has published five tips. On importance of nurturing leads, Burke says, “Reality show producers are the masterminds behind engaging TV. They look for contestants who will play the best on our screens — creating drama, relating to the audience, or just being outrageous. It may be going too far to say sales is manipulation, but... [...]

‘Consolidation, convergence and the collective: Three Cs will drive B2B marketing in 2017’ – Martech Today

Erik Matlick says, “The lull between Christmas and New Year’s is traditionally a time for looking back at the best practices (and missteps) of the year gone by, in the hopes of getting a jump on the trends that will dominate the coming year. For B2B marketers, 2017 will be about three Cs: Consolidation, Convergence and the Collective. Consolidation of vendors and dashboards 2016 might best be described as the year Account-Based Marketing (ABM) took over B2B marketing. While the basic principles of ABM are not new, ad tech and martech providers worked hard in 2016 to make the process of... [...]

‘Forrester’s Predictions For B2B Marketing Professionals In 2017’ – Forrester Blogs

Peter O’Neill says, “Just like many other research groups at Forrester Research in the past weeks, our team has gotten together, discussed, and agreed on a series of predictions for 2017 that will affect business-to-business (B2B) marketing professionals’ work. Forrester’s clients can review these in full detail in the published report, but here are some of the highlights. We have grouped our predictions into three sections. Part 1: Account-Based Marketing Will Come Of Age In 2017 In 2016, vendors and consultants seriously hyped account-based marketing (ABM) — such that B2B marketing... [...]

‘Everyone has loyalty campaigns, but few get the data right’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Erin Haselk says, “It seems that every time I go into a store today, I am offered a loyalty card. From one of my favorite local restaurants to my shoe store VIP program, I feel like I am getting a host of emails and points at every turn. Statistics support my theory: according to a recent Experian Data Quality study, 91 percent of organizations use loyalty programs. Why did they become so prevalent? Today’s consumer is more empowered than ever before and driving major change within business. In the era of Yelp, digital channels and a 24/7 shopping cycle, organizations have less control. Just... [...]

‘The Science of B2B Online Marketing’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on  ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “The Science of B2B Online Marketing”. Verónica Maria Jarski says, “Want to ensure your B2B online marketing program is effective? The following infographic by Circle Studio can help you create a successful B2B online marketing program. It breaks down B2B online marketing into six essential components: strategy, content marketing, traffic generation, lead generation, lead management, and analytics and measurement. Topping the list of essential components is strategy: “the foundation for your entire online... [...]

‘The Value of Co-Campaigning: Two is Better Than One’ by Jay Baer

Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “The Value of Co-Campaigning: Two is Better Than One″. Baer says, “Relationships are just better when they exist between two parties, don’t you think? I can’t remember the last time I heard anyone say “I’m my own best friend” or “I just want to marry myself…” So why would marketing be any different? Together (because being lonely sucks) let’s explore the value of “co-campaigning” for an”. The Value of Co-Campaigning: Two is Better Than One Jay Baer’s ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog  [...]

‘What types of triggered emails do B2C, B2B and B2G companies send?’ – MarketingSherpa Article

MarketingSherpa has published an article titled “What types of triggered emails do B2C, B2B and B2G companies send?”. Daniel Burstein says, “‘”We’ve found that nurturing campaigns, which are time based, are less effective than campaigns, which are working on triggers and time based if there’s no action.” –MarketingSherpa Email Marketing Benchmark Report survey respondent Triggered emails are effective for obvious reasons. As the saying goes, “The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.” But what types of triggers should... [...]

‘Leads and opportunities are the primary B2B marketing measure, not ‘attention” – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Leads and opportunities are the primary B2B marketing measure, not ‘attention'”. Louis Gudema says, “We’re at an inflection point in B2B marketing, and marketers should celebrate the opportunity to show their true contribution to revenue and not fall back on squishy metrics like ‘attention’. Last week the esteemed Top Sales World blog published apiece entitled, “Attention (not leads) should be B2B marketing’s primary measure”. I couldn’t disagree more. And, since the post doesn’t include... [...]

‘Three unique B2B marketing campaigns’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Three unique B2B marketing campaigns”. Ben Davis says, “We are regularly asked for more B2B examples of great marketing campaigns. B2B is one of the categories in the annual Digitals awards handed out by Econsultancy. So, I thought I’d revisit the spring 2013 shortlist and pick out some B2B nominees that haven’t made it on to the blog yet. Here are three campaigns that are unique, for one reason or another. Perhaps a unique client, idea or business gain. Let me know what you think, or leave your own examples... [...]

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