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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Archive for the 'JavaScript Indexing' Category

Keep working on JavaScript for getting more backlinks

For good SEO ranking, backlinks are important for webmasters. By effectively working on JavaScript, webmasters can keep a clean backlink profile. Search Engine Land’s Kyla Becker has published an article indicating how Google treats JavaScript. Becker has also answered five questions related to JavaScript. Becker says, “Most SEMs are aware by now that Google is parsing JavaScript and processing content within the DOM. We know this not only because Google has flat out told us, but also because it has been tested. We know all of this — and yet, tools which provide backlink data are... [...]

MOZ Guide to Using JavaScript & SEO for Better Bot Experience

Internet bots or web robots are used widely for achieving online marketing goals. Innovation is the key to using the bots and getting better results. MOZ’s Alexis Sanders has published a guide on using JavaScript and SEO. It covers the basics of JavaScript and SEO and how webmasters can use it. Sanders says, “Understanding JavaScript and its potential impact on search performance is a core skillset of the modern SEO professional. If search engines can’t crawl a site or can’t parse and understand the content, nothing is going to get indexed and the site is not going to rank. The... [...]

All You Need to Know About JavaScript Indexing

JavaScript-enabled indexing allows webmasters to get closer to the search engine and see the page as the user sees it. MOZ’s Will Critchlow has shared an article on JavaScript-enabled indexing providing information and tips on it. Critchlow says, “Despite the incredible work-arounds of the past (which always seemed like more effort than graceful degradation to me) the “right” answer has existed since at least 2012, with the introduction of PushState. Rob wrote about this one, too. Back then, however, it was pretty clunky and manual and it required a concerted effort to ensure... [...]

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