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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Resolutions for 2014' Category

‘New Year marketing resolutions you shouldn’t break in 2014’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “New Year marketing resolutions you shouldn’t break in 2014”. Darren Goldie says, “It’s February and already, according to a number of statistical sources, around a quarter of us have failed to uphold our New Year’s resolutions. Interestingly, 39% of people in their twenties achieve their resolution each year compared to only 14% of people over 50. That’s interesting given the prevailing attitudes towards younger generations. In the same vein, marketers are mapping out the conversations they want to have this... [...]

‘Apple: People Spent $10 Billion On Apps In 2013’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Apple: People Spent $10 Billion On Apps In 2013”. Greg Sterling says, “Apps have turned into a nice little business for Apple. This morning the company issued a press release stating that app store users spent more than $10 billion on apps and digital content for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad in 2013. Under its 70/30 rule, Apple would have kept roughly $3 billion of that revenue. In the month of December alone the company said that users spent more than $1 billion and downloaded three billion apps. Overall, Apple... [...]

‘Yahoo Aims To Simplify Ad Buys With “Yahoo Advertising”, Brings Tumblr Into The Fold’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Yahoo Aims To Simplify Ad Buys With “Yahoo Advertising”, Brings Tumblr Into The Fold”. Ginny Marvin says, “Yahoo announced several new advertiser initiatives during CEO Marissa Mayer’s keynote at CES in Las Vegas today.  The company is putting an umbrella over its disparate ad formats and buying gateways called “Yahoo Advertising”. The aim is to give media buyers and advertisers closer to a one-stop-shop for Yahoo ad inventory to make buying Yahoo ads more appealing. The ad platform is backed by Yahoo’s... [...]

‘Merging Massive Data Sets’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Merging Massive Data Sets”. Claudia Perlich says, “You have a hot date lined up and your eyes are set on the perfect little black dress (LBD) to buy from a local store. Just one small caveat — it’s a bit pricey and not really in your budget. Now, you have a few options: beg your mom to chip in, bite the bullet and live off of bread until your next paycheck, try finding the dress discounted online, or hope that the dress goes on sale before your date. For these options, there are a number of relevant pieces of... [...]

‘How Gmail Improved Security & Email Analytics by Caching Images’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “How Gmail Improved Security & Email Analytics by Caching Images”. Tom Sather says, “Google officially announced that images in Gmail would be enabled for all webmail users on December 12th (with iOS and Android Gmail apps following suit sometime in January), regardless of whether or not the recipient clicked “display images below.” This change should prove to be a boon for email marketers, but not without some tradeoffs. “Images Off” A Matter Of Security HTML emails — specifically, scripts, images... [...]

‘2014: A Year of Self-Doubt for Marketers’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “2014: A Year of Self-Doubt for Marketers”. Erik Devaney says, “I know, I know — “a year of self-doubt” sounds like a bit of a downer. But chin up! I have no intention of ruining your New Year with stress-inducing hypotheticals and criticisms. This “self-doubt” prediction — which appears in our new guide, “Marketing Prediction Hits and Misses” — is all about using feelings of uncertainty to your advantage. Doubt, after all, is a driving force of innovation. When Copernicus (and... [...]

‘2014 Marketing Resolutions, the 30-Day Blog Challenge, and More’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “2014 Marketing Resolutions, the 30-Day Blog Challenge, and More in HubSpot Content This Week”. Erik Devaney says, “I hate to break it to you, my fellow merrymaking marketers, but … the party is over. The champagne bottles have all been popped, the toasts have all been made, and those holiday hangovers have all become distant (but painful) memories. Now it’s time to move on to the toughest part of the New Year: following up with those resolutions. If you’re like me, most of your resolutions can be lumped into one... [...]

‘Google’s Eric Schmidt: “Mobile Has Won”’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Google’s Eric Schmidt: “Mobile Has Won””. Greg Sterling says, “In an “ask a billionaire” interview with Bloomberg, Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt makes a number of predictions about the coming year and beyond. Among them he says, “Mobile has won.” What does he mean? The simple meaning of his remark — and the one he intends — is that there are more tablets and smartphones being sold than consumer PCs now. Schmidt also makes the relatively safe assertion that almost all consumers will have... [...]

’14 Tips for Developing a Smart Marketing Strategy in 2014′ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “14 Tips for Developing a Smart Marketing Strategy in 2014”. Marisa Smith says, “Did you have a good holiday? Got some well-deserved rest and relaxation with your family and friends? Managed to break your email and texting addiction for a few days? Well, it’s time to shake off the “Egg Nog Fog” and get back in the swing of things! We recommend that you start off by gathering your sales and marketing team together for a series of planning sessions to get everyone aligned and going in the same direction“. 14 Tips for Developing... [...]

‘Creating Fatigue-Proof Retargeting Ads’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Creating Fatigue-Proof Retargeting Ads”. Mona Elesseily says, “Web surfers aren’t going to engage with the same dreary creative displayed over and over again. This makes it key to vary your message, pursue a theme, or even tell a story with multiple creative units, especially if impression frequency per user is more than a couple times a day. As there are many elements to consider, it will likely take a few attempts and/or iterations before finding winning ads. In this article, I’ll provide several pointers... [...]

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