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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Archive for the 'Facebook News Feed' Category

Facebook updates News Fee content policy

Facebook has made addition to the News Feed its users see. The new feed will show two additional pieces along with the present content. The site will show the following: More From This Publisher, which will give people a quick snapshot of the other recent stories posted by the publisher Shared By Friends, which will show people any of their friends who have shared the article. Talking about other improvement efforts, Facebook’s Taylor Hughes says, “We’re also starting a test to see whether people find it easier to evaluate the credibility of an article when we provide more information... [...]

Facebook updating News Feed for ‘meaningful interaction’

Facebook has announced its plan to update the News Feed for providing ‘meaningful interaction’ to its users. Initially Mark Zuckerberg posted on the company’s plans to help people well spend their time on the social network. Talking about the post News Feed changes, Zuckerberg says, ” I want to be clear: by making these changes, I expect the time people spend on Facebook and some measures of engagement will go down. But I also expect the time you do spend on Facebook will be more valuable. And if we do the right thing, I believe that will be good for our community and... [...]

New Facebook Update to Show More Informative Links in News Feed

Facebook has updated its new feed algorithm to stop people from spamming in it. It will show quality links in the news feed and reduce the influence of spammers. Adam Mosseri, VP, News Feed says, “Our research shows that there is a tiny group of people on Facebook who routinely share vast amounts of public posts per day, effectively spamming people’s feeds. Our research further shows that the links they share tend to include low quality content such as clickbait, sensationalism, and misinformation. As a result, we want to reduce the influence of these spammers and deprioritize the links... [...]

Facebook Publishes ‘Principles for Publishers’ for Improving Integrity of News Feed

In its drive to provide meaningful and relevant content in the News Feed, Facebook has published ”Principles for Publishers’ guiding publishers to publish content that can improve the integrity of news feed. In a Facebook announcement, company’s News Feed VP Adam Mosseri states that people need meaningful and informative stories in the news feed and publishers should address this concern. Facebook has encouraged the publishers make their content meaningful, informative and more Focusing on meaningful content, Mosseri says, “When ranking News Feed based on how meaningful... [...]

Facebook Updates News Feed to Reduce Clickbait Headlines

Clickbaits are creating hurdles for online marketers and advertisers by attracting attention and encouraging visitors to click on a link to a particular web page. Facebook News Feed is also facing a challenge due to Clickbait and in a drive to make people’s lives easier, the company has updated its news feed. Facebook has announced three updates. Arun Babu says, “Today, we are making three updates that build on this work so that people will see even fewer clickbait stories in their feeds, and more of the stories they find authentic. First, we are now taking into account clickbait... [...]

Facebook Uses AI to Penalize Sites with Offensive Ads

Facebook, in its mission to penalize the sites with offensive and spammy ads, has started using Artificial Intelligence in the news feed. It includes posts and ads that link to sites with duplicate content and annoying ads. Jiun-Ren Lin and Shengbo Guo say, “Starting today, we’re rolling out an update so people see fewer posts and ads in News Feed that link to these low-quality web page experiences. Similar to the work we’re already doing to stop misinformation, this update will help reduce the economic incentives of financially-motivated spammers”. According to Facebook, these... [...]

‘Facebook tests its News Feed with a new form of Related Articles’ – Marketing Land

Tamar Weinberg says, “Facebook has announced a new test for the Related Articles feature in its News Feed. That feature, launched in 2013, would show related stories right below an article after you read the article and returned to News Feed. In the new test, Facebook will show related stories before you click to read an article. Based on trending stories — that is, topics that many people are already discussing on Facebook — Facebook will show additional articles from publishers about the same topic, giving readers the ability to read about alternative perspectives and third-party fact-checkers”. Facebook... [...]

Fake news : One of the Internet’s Biggest Problems

It ranks right up there with the Nigerian prince who wants to give you a share of the inheritance received as the result of a tragic death. Thousands of incorrect stories are available on the web. Pick a politician or a celebrity and you will find dozens of fake news stories about them. It’s easy to say, “Somebody ought to do something about fake news.” And to look at yourself as essentially powerless to do anything. You’re not completely powerless; you can at least avoid being deceived by fake news. You can educate yourself before believing the story you just read. One... [...]

‘Is a second Facebook News Feed in the works? What you need to know’ – EConsultancy

Patricio Robles says, “Facebook is reportedly experimenting with a second News Feed that would display content from sources users have’t Liked or followed. As detailed by TechCrunch, users of the social network’s iOS and Android apps have reported seeing a rocket ship icon under which content that Facebook thinks might be of interest is displayed. Here’s what you need to know. Facebook has acknowleged that it’s testing a new feature According to Facebook, “We are testing a complementary feed of popular articles, videos, and photos, customized for each person... [...]

‘Your News Feed is such a mess that Facebook is giving you another one’ – Mashable

Jack Morse says, “There’s nothing quite like a clean slate — especially one that’s pre-populated with a generous helping of algorithmically generated spam. Perhaps realizing that the News Feed has over the years morphed into a cluttered mess, Facebook has started testing an entirely new feed with a subset of its users. After all, why have one feed when you can have two? Double the ad-serving pleasure, double the ad-revenue fun. This new feed, identified by a rocket-ship logo, isn’t the same as your current stream of family-focused updates. Instead of pushing out every... [...]

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