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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Archive for the 'Google Inbox' Category

‘How Email Marketers Can Prepare For Inbox By Google’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Tom Sather says, “In late 2014, Google announced “Inbox by Google,” update to the nearly ten-year-old Gmail interface that is essentially a re-imagined email client for Gmail, but focused on helping people manage their busy lives. The effort takes the best ideas from products like Google Now and Gmail as well as from upstart email apps like Mailbox. The invite-only revamped inbox also aims to make an inbox experience that is more relevant in today’s mobile world, as its interactivity relies strongly on touch-screen-like movements like swipes. In a Reddit Ask Me Anything, Inbox’s... [...]

‘Gmail Inbox review: does email need a reboot?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “A fresh approach to email or an unnecessary overhaul of something that doesn’t need fixing? Of course it’s attitudes such as the latter which means we’ve been stuck with the same boring old umbrella design since the 18th century. Gmail Inbox is a new email app that wants to hit the reset button in terms of what we expect from an email account. It’s a year zero if you will, or to use Gmail’s expression, ‘a fresh start’. Inbox is still in beta testing at the moment and you can only access it if you have an invitation. You can request one here. In the meantime... [...]

‘Inbox Comes Close to Mastering Email’ – Re/code

Katherine Boehrat says, “We can now text, tweet, iMessage, Facebook message, Skype and even leave one another disappearing messages. But old-fashioned email isn’t going away. It’s still a vital part of how we communicate. That’s not to say email is flawless — far from it. We mark items as “unread” so we will remember to deal with them later, then forget. We receive too much meaningless email and don’t know how to sort it. We try different methods for organizing our email, then even those methods become work, so we give up on them. For the past week, I relied on a new app from... [...]

‘The creators of Google Inbox explain why it’s the future of Gmail’ – ‘Mashable’

Pete Pachal says, “Google’s on a mission to reinvent email. Its weapon: Inbox, a standalone app that launched last week. Inbox aims to make email more useful with several new tools. It surfaces relevant content (photos, for example) and information from within individual messages so you don’t have to open anything to get at what you really want. Bundles sort your messages for you, letting you find important messages faster. Plus you can add your own reminders that work with Google Now. But there’s something important that Inbox isn’t: Gmail. Although the whole aim of... [...]

‘What Google Inbox means for email marketers’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Spencer Kollas says, “You may have heard that Google recently announced the release of a new app called Inbox. Inbox is Google’s next step in its effort to change the way people use and interact with email on their mobile devices. It is important to note and understand that Google is not changing Gmail, they are simply offering a new app for mobile users. Google has always been at the forefront of innovation with regard to email by adding ways to make it easier for their customers to control and manage their inbox experience. Gmail was one of the first email systems to monitor and filter... [...]

‘Google Launches Inbox to Reinvent the Email App’ – ‘Mashable’

Pete Pachal says, “Google wants to change email for the better. To do it, it’s launching a new email app, separate from Gmail, called Inbox. Announced via blog post, Inbox builds upon Gmail’s relatively successful tabs, which introduced new buckets for Social updates and Promotions. The app features Bundles, which will group together similar kinds of messages, so things like bank statements and receipts are grouped together. Bundles will be user-customizable as well. There’s also Highlights, which puts important emails front and center — photos from friends, flight itineraries... [...]

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