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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Archive for the 'Giveaway Event Marketing' Category

Giveaways on your Facebook fan page build your list #ad

You can use a Facebook fan page to build a targeted list in any niche of your choice, as well as gathering a large number of Facebook fans. Karthik Ramani discovered that he could use Facebook giveaways to get viral shares and grow his count of fans. He shows us how to do it in Fan Page Giveaway List Builder. Ramani says the process is simple. In fact, he says you can create your first campaign from start to finish in less than 15 minutes. In addition, Fan Page Giveaway List Builder has integrated major auto-responder support, including Aweber, GetResponse, InfusionSoft, plus a full export feature,... [...]

Adswap Assassin: Your system for hosting giveaway events #ad

“Mini-events” aren’t always easy to create and manage. There’s a lot of technical work needed to get every thing set up properly and assure that all the marketers who contribute products to the event are fairly rewarded with clicks. Coby Wright has released a WordPress plugin (and an equivalent HTML module) to making setting up and managing a mini-event simple. The baby-sitting of the system you had to do in the past can now be eliminated. Wright’s product, Adswap Assassin, helps you set up and manage your event in several ways: • Add participants’ products... [...]

Adswap Assassin: Use WordPress for your Mini-events and Giveaways #ad

Coby Wright and Sutejo Tan have just released Adswap Assassin, a WordPress plugin that lets you set up special events, such as giveaways, on a WordPress site. This plugin is designed to randomly rotate offers so that each participating marketer has a fair share of the traffic viewing their offer. You can use Adswap Assassin with virtually any theme; no need to buy OptimizePress or other expensive theme. And it’s easy to use. All the complexity is handled by the plugin. You don’t need any programming skills to make things work right. You can: • Add participant offers without any tech... [...]

Mini Giveaway Events: a quick way of list building #ad

People have been using online giveaways for list-building for years. Usually, a marketer sets up the even and invites contributors to give away a product. in return the receiver opts in to the givers mailing list. It works. As a result, dozens of major giveaway events occur each year. Adding a hundred or more to your mailing list is a reasonable goal. Recently, a new version of giveaway has arisen, the “mini giveaway.” Mini-giveaways are usually smaller (fewer marketers contribute gifts) and often shorter in duration. As these proliferate, there will be many opportunities for the clever... [...]

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