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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Archive for the 'Keyword Research Tips' Category

Five Tips to Improving SEO with Keywords

Right keyword selection can help you to improve your search engine marketing performance. In-depth keyword research can help you to explore and select the most appropriate keywords for your business. Ahrefs’ Joshua Hardwick has shared five tips to help you understand the importance of importance of keywords and use them for SEO. Hardwick says, “Showing up at the top of Google for a relevant keyword might send lots of traffic your way, but how do you do that? There are two ways. PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Pay-per-click (PPC) PPC is where you... [...]

How to Use Long Tail Keywords to Grow a Profitable Business [Video]

Long-tail keywords are the keywords that are more specific, they are longer than commonly searched for keywords. With long-tail keywords, you can achieve a higher conversion value. Tim Stodz has published a new video ‘How to Use Long Tail Keywords to Grow a Profitable Business’ to help you rightly use long-tail keywords for growing a profitable business. Stodz says, “In this video, I explain what a long tail keyword is. I also go through some examples of what a broad phrase keyword is and I compare it to a long tail keyword so you can see the different examples. At the end, I... [...]

Your Guide to Improving Keyword Research

Keyword research is the process of looking into what users type into search engines to find what they’re looking for. Effective keyword research helps you to identify right keywords for improving your search engine rankings and grow website traffic. To help you strengthen your keyword research, Rank Ranger’s Carolyn Lyden has shared some useful metrics. Lyden says, “Understanding the numbers behind keywords helps to mitigate that issue and the time wasted investing in the wrong type of content. Search Volume Search volume tells us how many people are searching for a topic on a particular... [...]

Using Keyword Planner to Find New Keywords

Microsoft’s Keyword Planner is a great tool to perform keyword research. It helps you to find right keywords and reach out to the customers who are continuously searching for products and services you offer. Microsoft Advertising’s Kevin Salat has published an article on using Keyword Planner to grow your search engine presence. Salat says, “In a world that seems to be changing by the minute, your customers are continuously searching for products and services with new queries, so keyword management is of the utmost importance. But how do you choose the best keywords, and how... [...]

Jaan Kanellis’ Guide to Negative Keywords

Negative keywords help you to improve targeting and ROI in online advertising. By using negative keywords you can make sure that certain words or phrases don’t trigger an ad being shown on a SERP or website. Jaan Kanellis has published a new guide called ‘The Plain-English Guide to Negative Keywords’. Kanellis says, “When you make a negative keyword list, don’t go overboard. You don’t want to drastically reduce the reach of your ads because of a huge list of restricted words. Search terms should be similar to your keywords, but make distinctions your keywords don’t. For... [...]

Vertical Leap Shares Five Ways To Do Keyword Research

Effective keyword can help you to rank well in search engines for specific topics to drive traffic to your site and promote your products and services by enhancing your marketing effectiveness. Vertical Leap contributor Dave Colgate has shared five clever ways to do keyword research. Colgate says, “Basic keyword research isn’t enough to get you ranking high and winning ad auctions anymore. So, in this article, we’ve got five smarter ways to go about keyword research that will help you find new opportunities and become more competitive in search. #1: Target keywords by intent, not volume The... [...]

Ways to Get More Customers Using Keywords

Keywords play major role in helping you to achieve higher search engine rankings and increase your website traffic. By choosing right keywords and integrating them into your content, you can improve your SEO performance. Business 2 Community contributor Daniel Hopper has shared some useful tips to get more traffic using keywords. Hopper says, “Choosing the right keywords to use in your marketing copy and search engine optimisation is key to more people finding your website amongst the millions of alternatives. Achieving a higher-ranking result means you will be higher on the Search Engine... [...]

‘Social Media Advertising That Works’ Webinar June 9 [Webinar]

Social media advertising offers a flexible way (in terms of budget) to promote your products and services. With well-designed ads, you can persuade the social media users to take desired action. Rival IQ is hosting a webinar ‘Social Media Advertising That Works’ featuring Nathan Okuley on Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 1.00 pm ET. The Rival IQ team says, “Join us for a live interview with Nathan Okuley, marketing strategist with years of experience with big brands like Mission Coffee Co., Justice, Ologies, and more. With our host, Seth Bridges, Nathan will dive into the strategies behinds... [...]

Are You Making These Keyword Research Mistakes?

Effective keyword research enables you to find the right keywords that you should use in your content and on your website. You can improve your search engine ranking with right keyword selection. Yoast contributor Marieke van de Rakt has shared a list of seven mistakes that marketers make while doing keyword research. Marieke says, “Thinking about the keywords you want to rank for is really the first and foremost step you need to take for your SEO strategy. Still, keyword research can be quite daunting. So, which keyword research mistakes should you avoid at all times? In this... [...]

‘How To Do Keyword Research Using Free Tools’ Webinar June 3 [Webinar]

Effective keyword research helps you to discover words and phrases that people use in search engines. By identifying these words and phrases you can optimize your content for search engine result pages. Vertical Leap‘s Michelle Hill is hosting a webinar ‘How to do keyword research using free tools’ featuring Marie Turner on Wednesday, June 3, 2020. Hill says, “Keyword research is key to the success of your SEO and PPC strategies as it helps you continually find new opportunities to connect with your audiences. As competition in the search results continues to grow and available... [...]

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