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Saturday, June 1, 2024

‘Advertisers get claim notices for Google’s $22.5M settlement over ads on parked domains’ – Search Engine Land

Ginny Marvin says, “Advertisers have begun receiving claim notice emails related to a $22.5 million settlement in a class action suit against Google. The case, Google AdWords Litigation, Case No. 5:08-cv-03369-EJD, in the US District Court for the Northern District of California, stems from a 2008 claim that Google did not disclose that it placed ads on parked domains and error pages in violation of California’s unfair competition and false advertising laws. The advertisers sought restitution for the difference between what they paid per click versus what they would have paid had they... [...]

‘Social commerce: Why basic bots and buy buttons are not enough’ – EConsultancy

Nikki Gilliland says, “Social commerce hasn’t quite taken off in the way it was predicted to.  While 52% of marketers said it would be the most prominent trend of 2016, you could argue that live video or influencer marketing ended up stealing its thunder. It seems that despite mobile commerce rising in popularity – and with one in four users trying to purchase a product on social last year – many brands have struggled to find the right balance between social media and ecommerce. In fact, a recent survey suggests that 45% of adults have no current interest in clicking on a ‘buy... [...]

‘What your paid search KPI says about you’ – Search Engine Land

Andy Taylor says, “There are plenty of options for particular metrics to drive paid search programs toward, but not every KPI is created equal. Here, we’ll dive into what your preferred KPI says about you and provide recommendations to help you assess whether your KPI reflects the goals you care about. All insights are at least slightly hyperbolic and assume you have a one-track mind for your KPI of choice. I bet some of you out there can keep two, three, maybe even more KPIs in mind when managing accounts, as you should. You’ll just have to meld the descriptions to uncover those deep... [...]

‘Three ways the Internet of Things will improve business efficiency by harnessing big data’ – EConsultancy

Nicholas Chowdrey says, “When we hear about the Internet of Things (IoT) we often think of consumer products like wireless thermostats and multiroom speakers, meaning business uses are often overlooked. Indeed, in a recent study by Dresner Advisory services, most industries rated IoT as not important. However, advocates of IoT say there’s huge potential for the technology to transform business intelligence, especially when coupled with big data. They see IoT as a core justification for businesses to implement big data analytics, ranking it in the top three use cases, alongside customer... [...]

‘Keyword tiering: A systematic way to juggle your AdWords priorities’ – Search Engine Land

Jacob Baadsgaard says, “Ever feel like AdWords is one giant juggling act? You cut your cost per click, only to watch your conversion rate drop. You increase lead volume, but those leads don’t turn into sales. You finally boost sales, but now your cost per click is unprofitably high… When does the madness stop? With all of these apparently conflicting priorities, it can be easy to drop the ball a few times. Or, worse still, you might feel like AdWords isn’t worth the effort, throw your hands in the air and quit. However, there is a way to juggle all of your marketing goals —... [...]

‘Driven by mobile, digital overtakes TV in US ad spend for the first time’ – EConsultancy

Patricio Robles says, “The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) this week released its numbers for ad spend in the US in 2016, and for the first time since the organization began tracking digital ad spend in 2004, spend on digital ads has surprassed spend on television ads. The milestone is one that industry analysts and observers have been waiting for and 2016 also brought with it another milestone: for the first time, mobile ads produced more revenue than desktop ads. All told, digital ad revenue in the US hit a record $72.5bn last year, up from $59.6bn in 2015. Mobile ads were responsible... [...]

‘Why B2B needs artificial intelligence’ – Martech Today

Barry Levine says, “Artificial intelligence (AI) is more than a stylish trend. It goes beyond rules, providing the ability to understand content or language, find patterns that can be applied to the future, digest all kinds of information and make reasoned decisions. One by one, B2B vendors are rolling out their AI chops — targeting platform Demandbase, CRM and marketing platform Salesforce, account engagement platform YesPath, conversational platform Conversica, and B2B predictive marketer CaliberMind, among a growing list of others. To get some insight into what this means for businesses... [...]

‘Simple tips to get your app indexed, ranked & installed’ – Search Engine Land

John E Lincoln says, “Do you have an app that you’d like to rank in mobile search engine results? If so, you’re going to need to make room in your SEO strategy for app optimization. For apps, there are distinct ranking factors. Although they are similar to ranking factors for a standard web page, there are differences that you need to know about. Here’s how you can optimize your app to get the best possible rank. Yes, you need to optimize According to a recent Google report, 27 percent of users find apps through a search engine. That’s up from 2 percent to 3 percent in 2014. That... [...]

‘Amazon launches ‘Subscribe with Amazon’ to help companies sell subscriptions’ – EConsultancy

Patricio Robles says, “Amazon’s effort to take over the world continues unabated. This week, the online retail giant announced a big push into a new market with the launch of Subscribe with Amazon, a new marketplace that will allow third parties to sell subscriptions through Amazon. The marketplace, which is said to have been in development for the past year, was born out of Amazon’s homegrown subscription initiatives. “Over the years, Amazon has gained extensive experience in the memberships and subscriptions space, innovating across programs like Prime and Kindle Unlimited,”... [...]

‘The modern marketer’s guide to machine learning algorithms’ – Martech Today

Sean Zinsmeister says, “Most marketing (and sales) teams have seemingly simple goals: identify your best customers, target prospects who look like them, facilitate a positive buying experience, and bring these prospects into your customer community. The challenge with this is that companies are faced with an onslaught of data, making it impossible to economically throw humans at each of the aforementioned objectives. Much business learning and many routine tasks can be done faster and better with automation and AI. People simply will never be able to sift through all that data at the same... [...]

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