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Monday, May 13, 2024

Archive for the 'Kindle Marketing' Category

Crossword Puzzle Mastery: new way to make money on KDP #ad

Crossword Puzzle Mastery is unique software and training shows you everything you need to create best-selling crossword puzzle books. This is a popular niche on Kindle. It’s also hugely popular in the physical book market. This software creates both e-books and physical books. Making puzzles by hand is hard, time-consuming, and not commercially practical. But with Crossword Puzzle Mastery, you can create any number of puzzles and sell them on Amazon and elsewhere. The software creates all the components needed (the puzzle grid, the list of clues, etc.) and gives them to you as PNG files.... [...]

Amazon AI Loophole: Let AI write and publish your Kindle book #ad

Amazon AI Loophole was just launched. You might be tempted to think it’s just another in the long string of AI products being launched recently. But this one is different. It’s specifically for writing e-books, and it makes the process about as simple as writing your grocery list. When you use Amazon AI Loophole, all you do is tell it what you want your book to be about. It researches the information on the web on your topic, organizes it, creates a table of contents, creates the text of the book, and shows your unique book to you for final editing. Once you approve its work, you tell... [...]

Power Publishing Bundle makes low-content books to sell on Amazon #ad

You may have heard of low-content books. They are books that you write very few words for. At first, that may seem strange, but every year, people buy hundreds of thousands of them. Examples include calendars, diaries, and journals. Other examples include coloring books and puzzle books. Considering how many kinds of low-content books there are and how they become woven into people’s lives, it’s no wonder that they are popular. is a platform where authors sell their low-content books, just as they do content-rich books. In particular, Kindle Direct Publishing (formerly known... [...]

KDSpy: Your tool for successful Kindle sales #ad

KDSpy is a power tool for authors. It was designed for Kindle authors, but any author can benefit. If you want to publish a book for the pleasure of seeing your name in print, you won’t need this tool. But, if you want to earn passive income by selling books, particularly on Kindle, this tool can be a life-saver. What books should you publish for income? The answer is obvious: books that people want to buy. How do you find out what books people want to buy? Spy on the current Kindle sales data to see what is selling. That’s whatKDSpy does for you, far better than you could do it for... [...]

KD Spy: Find out what is worth your time & effort #ad

The secret to simple selling is itself a simple secret: sell what people want to buy. How do you find out what people want to buy? Well, one answer is to ask them? Not a bad answer, but it has two problems: 1. People may not know what they want. 2. People may not be willing to tell you. There is another alternative: get the facts, rather than the opinions, since even the first-hand opinions are questionable. Find out what people are actually buying. What lots of people are buying, many other people will also want to buy. These other people are your market. A specific application of this principle... [...]

Pixel Studio FX 3.0: 5,326 eCover templates; fire your designer #ad

If you want to create ebook covers that dazzle potential customers, take a look at Pixel Studio FX 3.0. Clearly, its creator, Richard Madison knows how to create good covers. When you see them here, you will agree. No surprise, though; he has been doing it for years with each version of his software more comprehensive than the last. Today, he includes over 5,300+ templates to start with and customize. That’s more than double the amount included in Pixel Studio FX 2.0. And don’t worry if you’re a beginner or not tech savvy. Pixel Studio FX 3.0 was made specifically with you in... [...]

Are you Ready to Learn the Secret to Successful Publishing? #ad

Amy Harrop says that becoming a successful publisher is within the reach of anyone. Best of all, you can be a successful publisher with little or no original content. Harrop has been experimenting with something called Companion Publishing, that allows you to quickly and easily create content that needs little-to-no-writing and that leverages hot trends, your own content, and even other people’s books and content. With companion publishing, the reader is doing the majority of the writing for you! Her new training, called Companion Publishing Profits explains in detail how to build a business... [...]

How Amy Harrop Creates Bestselling Books Fast #ad

Well-known author and coach Amy Harrop has spent her career creating books for online platforms like Kindle. In her new training, Companion Publishing Profits, she is sharing her strategy for creating books efficiently and with minimum effort. One of the big problems with profitable publishing is creating an audience. interested in your books. Ideally, you would find an existing audience and tap into it. That way you don’t have to build a demand for your books. If you could do that and then if you could create in-demand content that this audience loves you could start cashing in. To make... [...]

New Udemy Course for Kindle Authors (Free for limited time)

If you are a Kindle author, or if you want to be, then check out the free course on Udemy, called Kindle Mastery – 10 Hacks For A Successful Kindle Business. The author is an experienced teacher, and in this course, there are 17 lectures on marketing on the Kindle platform. Sign up while the course is still free.  [...]

Want to write a Kindle best-seller? #ad

Ariel Sanders is offering a free e-book called Kindle Samurai, to help beginning book writers plan their Kindle work for the best sales results. In this book, Sanders explores some critical topics for successful authorship. He want to show you how to rank on Kindle, with the lest effort and expense. It goes without saying that the least expensive way to rank is suing organic search, in which your book rises to the top of the search results for a keyword. But, of course, not just any keyword will do. So Sanders addresses the question of how to find keywords that generate a lot of search traffic. You... [...]

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