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Monday, February 17, 2025

Archive for the 'Marketing Commentary' Category

SEO Tactics that work today

If you aren’t familiar with Marketing Sherpa, I suggest you visit their site, They have a lot of information for online marketers and they don’t mind sharing it. They usually make a report available for a week at no cost; then they move it into their vault of historical reports that you can subscribe to. Their reports are based on research and case studies. They aren’t trying to sell anything other than their research. If you are diligent and visit their site each week, you can get most of it at no cost. This week, I was struck by a chart they presented.... [...]

Stupid marketing Tricks #2- Anonymous emails

So often marketers think it’s smart to hide their true identity in their emails. In the last 24 hours, I have received emails from people only ideltified as “Admin”, “Notice”, “Support”, Christy, Sean, Dorothy, Clifford, “Download Dept.”,Preeti, Phil and Ray When I open the mail, they usually don’t do any better, signing it with only a first name. The ones above were signed [three first names], [blank], Jessica, Christy, [blank], Dorothy, Clifford, Anastasia,[blank] , Phil, and [Congratulations, Ray. At least you got it right on the... [...]

Addison Faith Locke is 6 years old and has cancer, needs your help

She and her family traveled to Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago in march, where they learned she has a rare form of liver cancer. Many treatment sessions are needed to try to arrest and conquer this aggressive disease, treatments beyond her family’s means. A group of 50 marketers have banded together to raise money for her. Through June 8, they are offering you a tremendous bargain in a fire sale, with the proceeds going to these treatments. IM NewsWatch is spreading the word, along with many others, and taking no commission on the sales. You can get a bundle of training and... [...]

‘Setting Boundaries for Sustainable Success and Extreme Client Care’ by Sandra Martini

Sandra Martini’s latest ‘The Martini Advantage’ newsletter article is reprinted here. The article is titled “Setting Boundaries for Sustainable Success  and Extreme Client Care”. ‘Setting Boundaries for Sustainable Success  and Extreme Client Care’ by Sandra Martini Would you prefer to listen to this week’s article? If so, click here to listen. The term “boundaries” or “setting boundaries” often comes with a negative connotation – one of exclusion or closing people out. In reality, setting boundaries is symbolic of sustained success... [...]

‘Where are my business results?’ by Sandra Martini

Sandra Martini’s latest ‘The Martini Advantage’ newsletter article is reprinted here. The article is titled “Where are my business results?”. ‘Where are my business results?’ by Sandra Martini Would you prefer to listen to this week’s article? If so, click here to listen. Ever notice how we think we do more than we actually do?  Or we eat more or spend more than we think until we add up all the calories and cents? It’s almost as if our brain is working to support our intentions rather than our actual actions. This hit home twice last week when: A... [...]

‘7 Easy Ways to Discover What Customers Are Buying’ by Terry Dean

Terry Dean’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Coach’ blog post is reprinted here. The blog post is titled “7 Easy Ways to Discover What Customers Are Buying”. ‘7 Easy Ways to Discover What Customers Are Buying’ by Terry Dean A lot of people talk about finding out what people are searching for online. But we need to go deeper than this.  We need to find out what people are BUYING online. Just because someone is searching for a subject doesn’t mean they’re willing to spend money on it.   I’ve seen so many people make mistakes here.  They see a high traffic... [...]

Dr.Mani, how does blogging help with selling infoproducts?

Blogging started out as an online diary keeping system, but has morphed today into becoming a versatile content management system that has many uses and can be creatively employed by any infopreneur to build a brand, grow a business and sell more. I have been blogging since 2003, and have a somewhat unusual take on how blogging ties in with selling infoproducts. My approach is to start blogging first, and then use the brand, network and audience that evolves around the blog to create infoproducts that people already want – and sell them to those very people who asked for it! In a sense,... [...]

The Truth about List-building, From Where I Stand

Today, I want to share some thoughts on Listbuilding and what to do with your list once you have it. [hana-flv-player video=”” width=”400″ height=”330″ description=”Marketer List building, From Where I stand” player=”4″ autoload=”true” autoplay=”true” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” /] What do you think? I’d love to hear from you.  [...]

Stupid Marketer Tricks, number 1

One of the worst things a marketer can do is ignore his/her followers. I have been guilty on occasion, and have lived to regret it. But I have been the victim of stupid marketers even more often. For example, six months ago, I opened a ticket on the help desk of a marketer in Asia. It has sat there for 6 months with no answer, despite my adding a supplementary response a month later to try again to get his attention. Do I ever want to buy from him again? No. Do I want to be an affiliate for his future products? No. Do I ever want to run a story about him? Only on a very slow news day (and I never... [...]

Dr. Mani, what’s the best way to generate income from a typical niche? E-books, subscription website, reports?

Information marketing provides an array of income opportunities in any niche. And while many (or all) might be suitable for a few niches, there are usually some preferred channels of monetization that will vary depending upon whether you are in the “health promotion” niche, “make money” niche, “self improvement” niche or some other niche. In very general terms, all online income streams can be categorized under 3 heads: * content publishing * direct selling * lead generation The content publishing model of information marketing depends upon providing valuable... [...]

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