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Friday, February 14, 2025

‘Multitasking – Why Multi-Tasking Makes You Stupid’ by Jim Edwards

Jim Edwards’ latest ‘I Gotta Tell You’ blog post is titled “Multitasking – Why Multi-Tasking Makes You Stupid”. Jim says, “Trying to multitask is hopeless… and pointless… and makes you stupid! Watch this video to see exactly what it takes to get a LOT of things done quickly… the solution may seem simple, but are you actually doing it? Chances are you’re NOT… but you can change today.”. Multitasking – Why Multi-Tasking Makes You Stupid Jim Edwards’ ‘I Gotta Tell You’ Blog  [...]

‘How to get enough material for an ebook!’ by Jim Edwards

Jim Edwards’ latest ‘I Gotta Tell You’ blog post is titled “How to get enough material for an ebook!”. Jim says, “Luckily, my latest “Cuppa Coffee w/ Jim” video SMASHES through this roadblock in less than 4 minutes (with our ultra-popular “napkin” format)”. How to get enough material for an ebook! Jim Edwards’ ‘I Gotta Tell You’ Blog  [...]

‘Richest Pig In The World… Problems into Opportunities’ by Jim Edwards

Jim Edwards’ latest ‘I Gotta Tell You’ blog post is titled “Richest Pig In The World… Problems into Opportunities”. Jim says, “The 3 Little Pigs left out the most important pig – the 4th little pig. His name was Marvin. Marvin realized that you can turn problems into massive opportunity. In fact, Marvin teaches us one of the most important true life success lessons, which is: Problems = Opportunities”. Richest Pig In The World… Problems into Opportunities Jim Edwards’ ‘I Gotta Tell You’ Blog  [...]

‘Will your Amazon Kindle Account get cancelled too?’ by Jim Edwards

Jim Edwards’ latest blog post is titled “Will your Amazon Kindle Account get cancelled too?”. Edwards says, “A subject line like that is what a lot of Amazon Kindle sellers will see in the not-too-distant future if they continue to follow the get-rich-quick-on-Amazon-Kindle con-men out in the market… and that’s a promise! This new Free Report I just published details exactly how and why I believe it’s already happening”. Will your Amazon Kindle Account get cancelled too? Jim Edwards’ ‘I Gotta Tell You’ Blog  [...]

‘How much money can you actually make if you write an ebook?’ by Jim Edwards

Jim Edwards’ latest blog post is titled “How much money can you actually make if you write an ebook?”. Edwards says, “That’s really the $64,000 Dollar Question isn’t it? How much money can you actually make if you write an ebook? The answer is: it depends! The two things you need to look at are: 1. How much will you make per sale?” How much money can you actually make if you write an ebook? Jim Edwards’ ‘I Gotta Tell You’ Blog  [...]

‘How to write and publish a how to book – 7 Steps To Success!’ by Jim Edwards

Jim Edwards’ latest blog post is titled “How to write and publish a how to book – 7 Steps To Success!”. Edwards says, “Writing a “how to” ebook is actually really simple and it’s one of the best ways anyone can get started writing an ebook. If you’re curious about getting started writing ebooks, or you’ve already self-published an ebook or two, this article will lay it all out for you here in a few simple steps”. How to write and publish a how to book – 7 Steps To Success! Jim Edwards’ ‘I Gotta Tell You’ Blog  [...]

‘Write Ebooks: Is it possible to write an ebook based on notes from other books?’ by Jim Edwards

Jim Edwards’ latest blog post is titled “Write Ebooks: Is it possible to write an ebook based on notes from other books?”. Edwards says, “This is a sticky area for a number of reasons. If you take notes on another book and then write an ebook based on what you learned, you run the risk of everything from alienating the author to opening yourself up to a lawsuit for violating “fair use.” (Side note: it’s interesting that use and sue have the exact same 3 letters). Though I’m not an attorney, this is not legal advice, and you should proceed with this information at... [...]

‘True or False: Hiring a ghost writer is a good idea?’ by Jim Edwards

Jim Edwards’ latest blog post is titled “True or False: Hiring a ghost writer is a good idea?”. Edwards says, “With outsourcing all the rage, here’s the smelly elephant in the room question: Is it really possible to hire a ghost writer for a reasonable price and get a quality ebook written for you in the process? Well the “gurus” make it sound like a cakewalk, but I think it’s more of a minefield if you don’t understand the hazards! I expect this FREE Mini-Report I just published will pull back the curtain for you! You can check it out for free here!”. True... [...]

‘Write Ebooks’ by Jim Edwards

Jim Edwards’ latest blog post is titled “Write Ebooks: How do I know what to write about for my ebook (once I’ve picked a topic)?”. Edwards says, “Once you’ve picked a topic to write your ebook about, the next hurdle is what to write. In other words, what words and what perspective do you use to create the content in your word processor that will turn into an ebook you can sell, use as an opt-in bribe, or give away as a bonus. The following 3 positions will help you understand the various perspectives you can take in creating your ebook so, no matter what your experience... [...]

‘Write Ebooks: How do you write an ebook quickly? (4 Methods)’ by Jim Edwards

Jim Edwards’ latest blog post is titled “Write Ebooks: How do you write an ebook quickly? (4 Methods)”. Edwards says, “Everybody wants what they want and they want it NOW. If you want to write an ebook, you don’t want to take a year to do it. A week would be nice — and a day or two would be even better (thank you very much)! So if you want to write an ebook FAST, you need to understand a key point: you must think in terms of “creating” an ebook VS “writing” an ebook. If you haven’t done it before (or even if you have), writing a “book” is a big, scary... [...]

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