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Saturday, July 27, 2024

‘Return from the Dark Side’ by Daniel Levis

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Daniel Levis’s latest blog post is titled “Return from the Dark Side”. [Blog] […]  [...]

‘How to Grow Your Customer and Prospect Lists Online up to 7 Times Faster!’ David Frey & Daniel Levis’s Webinar April 8

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David Frey & Daniel Levis are hosting a webinar on Friday, April 8 at 3.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “How to Grow Your Customer and Prospect Lists Online up to 7 Times Faster!”. [Webinar] […]  [...]

‘How to Grow Your Lists Online Up to 7 times Faster!’ Adam Short and Daniel Levis’s Teleclass March 31

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Adam Short and Daniel Levis are hosting a teleclass on Thursday, March 31 at 8.00 pm ET. The topic of the teleclass is “How to Grow Your Lists Online Up to 7 times Faster!”. [Teleclass] […]  [...]

‘Publish an Ebook Today Using Amazon’s Kindle’ Daniel Levis’s Webinar March 31

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Daniel Levis is hosting a webinar on Thursday, March 31 at 5.00 pm CDT. The topic of the webinar is “Publish an Ebook Today Using Amazon’s Kindle”. [Webinar] […]  [...]

‘Marketing Lessons From a 74-Year Old Blues Legend’ by Michel Fortin

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Daniel Levis says, “I’m having the first barbecue of the season on my back porch. And I’ve got Buddy Guy’s raspy vocals and stinging guitar riffs pumping through the speakers…”. [Michel Fortin’s Blog] […]  [...]

‘How to Get in ‘THE ZONE’ by Daniel Levis

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Daniel Levis’s latest blog post is titled “How to Get in “THE ZONE””. [Blog] […]  [...]

‘Weird and Wacky Promo Ideas for Growing Your Biz On a Shoestring Budget’ Daniel Levis’ Teleseminar 8.00 pm EST

Daniel Levis is hosting a teleseminar on Wednesday, March 2 at 8.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “Weird and Wacky Promo Ideas for  Growing Your Biz On a Shoestring Budget”. [Webinar] […]  [...]

‘How to Grow Your Lists Online Up to 7 times Faster!’ Bob Serling and Daniel Levis’s Teleclass February 24

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Bob Serling and Daniel Levis are hosting a teleclass on Thursday, February 24 at 8.00 pm ET. The topic of the teleclass is “How to Grow Your Lists Online Up to 7 times Faster!”. [Teleclass] […]  [...]

‘A Story of Pleasure and Pain’ – ‘The Total Package’

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Daniel Levis says, “In my days carrying a bag I spent an enormous amount of time drilling, practicing and rehearsing my sales talk”. [The Total Package Blog] […]  [...]

‘A Story of Pleasure and Pain’ by Daniel Levis

Daniel Levis’ latest ‘Total Package’ article is titled “A Story of Pleasure and Pain”. [Copywriting Article] […]  [...]

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