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Archive for the 'Internet Advertising Tips' Category

Google Ad Grants: A Guide For Nonprofits [Guide]

Under the Google Ad Grants program, Google offers qualifying charities and nonprofits a monthly grant budget to run ad campaigns. Search Engine Journal has published a new guide called ‘Google Ad Grants: A Guide For Nonprofits’. Ben Steele says, “Google offers grants to certain organizations that qualify to take care of the budget concern. It also provides helpful tutorial videos. How Do I Get A Google Ads Grant? The Google Ads Grants program has specific eligibility requirements, and it can take a while to get approval. Here’s what you should know before getting started: Your... [...]

How Best Buy embraces AI-powered ads to stay agile and drive growth [Video]

Google Ads has published a new video ‘How Best Buy embraces AI-powered ads to stay agile and drive growth’ explaining how Google Ads empowers businesses. The Google Ads team says, “Best Buy’s purpose is to enrich lives through technology. By combining its tech expertise with a human touch, the company serves customers across more than 1,000 stores and a comprehensive online experience. As consumer expectations change, Best Buy embraces AI-powered ads to keep pace and drive growth for the future. Learn how broad match keywords and Performance Max campaigns help the brand... [...]

Maximizing ROAS Through Reduced Latency and Silo Removal [Webinar Replay]

MarTech has made available the replay of its webinar on ‘Maximizing ROAS Through Reduced Latency and Silo Removal’. The MarTech team says, “A clear view of your customer data can drive successful campaign results. But there are many data solutions to add to the complexity and cost of your martech stack. Removing data silos and reducing latency is key, but how can you get started? Join Snowflake, Digital Virgo, and Snowplow for an in-depth conversation on the need for transparency, accuracy, and the speed to sync its data quickly. They will dive into a case study where Digital... [...]

Reminder- Optimize Your Ad Spend With In-Flight Measurement, March 30 [Webinar]

This is a reminder for the Adweek webinar to be held on March 30, 2023.  Adweek is hosting a webinar ‘Optimize Your Ad Spend With In-Flight Measurement: A Practical Approach to Maximize Impact’ on Thursday, March 30, 2023, at 1.00 pm EDT. The Adweek team says, “Unpack the value of using integrated in-flight ad measurement, including practical tips to maximize the impact of this strategy, from experts at The Trade Desk and Cint. You’ll find out: How to spend smarter using in-flight measurement Why focusing on a single KPI is key to set your brand campaigns up for success Ways... [...]

Smarter Ads: 5 Cost-Efficient Ways To Get Higher Return On Paid Media [Webinar Replay]

Search Engine Journal has made available the replay of its webinar ‘Smarter Ads: 5 Cost-Efficient Ways To Get Higher Return On Paid Media’. Loren Baker says, “It’s time to explore cost-effective strategies that optimize your ad spend and maximize return, especially if your company is making budget cuts to brace for economic change. On March 1, I moderated a webinar with Tucker Stoffers, Senior Director of Growth Marketing at Divvy. Toffers showed five paid media strategies with actionable insights and critical approaches to growing your business while getting more bang for your... [...]

Reminder- Maximizing ROAS Through Reduced Latency and Silo Removal, March 14 [Webinar]

This is a reminder for the MarTech webinar to be held on March 14, 2023.  MarTech is hosting a webinar ‘Maximizing ROAS Through Reduced Latency and Silo Removal’ on Tuesday, March 14, 2023. The MarTech team says, “Join Snowflake, Digital Virgo, and Snowplow for an in-depth conversation on the need for transparency, accuracy, and the speed to sync its data quickly. They will dive into a case study where Digital Virgo deployed this new stack during the 2022 FIFA World Cup, its impact, and why. Key takeaways from this session: The monetary impact of data latency on your marketing... [...]

Optimize Your Ad Spend With In-Flight Measurement, March 30 [Webinar]

Knowing how to prioritize a limited budget while increasing the impact of digital advertising will make the difference between success and just getting by this year. Adweek is hosting a webinar ‘Optimize Your Ad Spend With In-Flight Measurement: A Practical Approach to Maximize Impact’ on Thursday, March 30, 2023, at 1.00 pm EDT. The Adweek team says, “Unpack the value of using integrated in-flight ad measurement, including practical tips to maximize the impact of this strategy, from experts at The Trade Desk and Cint. You’ll find out: How to spend smarter using in-flight measurement Why... [...]

Google Ads Tutorials: Bidding to Google Analytics 4 Conversions in Google Ads [Video]

The Google Ads team has published a new video ‘Google Ads Tutorials: Bidding to Google Analytics 4 Conversions in Google Ads’. The Google team says, “Learn how to import Google Analytics 4 conversions into Google Ads to be used for bidding. For more information about Google Analytics 4 conversions, please see our help center documentation here.”  [...]

Maximizing ROAS Through Reduced Latency and Silo Removal, March 14 [Webinar]

A clear view of your customer data can drive successful campaign results. But there are many data solutions to add to the complexity and cost of your martech stack. MarTech is hosting a webinar ‘Maximizing ROAS Through Reduced Latency and Silo Removal’ on Tuesday, March 14, 2023. The MarTech team says, “Join Snowflake, Digital Virgo, and Snowplow for an in-depth conversation on the need for transparency, accuracy, and the speed to sync its data quickly. They will dive into a case study where Digital Virgo deployed this new stack during the 2022 FIFA World Cup, its impact, and... [...]

5 Ways to Eliminate Wasted Ad Spend [Video]

Watch Neil Patel’s latest video ‘5 Ways to Eliminate Wasted Ad Spend’ to help yourself save dollars on unnecessary advertising cost. He says, “I can’t even begin to tell you how many clients come to me complaining about wasted ad spend. Blowing your ad budget can be a death sentence for your business. Here’s how to eliminate wasted marketing spend.” Neil Patel’s Blog  [...]

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