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Saturday, July 27, 2024

‘Has Facebook’s Reign Come And Gone Already?’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Has Facebook’s Reign Come And Gone Already?”. Dan Lyons says, “A smart friend of mine, a longtime industry veteran, once shared with me an interesting observation about the companies that dominate the computing industry. His idea was that there’s always a top dog, a company that Bigfoots over everybody else, instills fears in rivals, attracts the best talent and so on — but that with each turn of the wheel, each new ruler’s reign gets shorter and shorter. So: first came IBM, which ruled for 25 to 30 years, then Microsoft,... [...]

Ultimate 2013 Gameplan:Jason Parker’s Marketing Plan for 2013 #ad

Jason Parker has created many new training products over the past year. He has gained a reputatipon as a low-key, professional marketer, who specializes in list-building training. As the year progressed, he noticed some of his marketing tools and techniques were working better than the others. He has decided on his own list-building plan for 2013, based on the trends in 2012. Now he is sharing those plans with us in Ultimate 2013 Gameplan. . He has found 3 list-building tactics that are so powerful that he is giving up all the others. And he’s giving these new ones to you. With these techniques,... [...]

‘3 Things Marketers Can Learn From the Media’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “3 Things Marketers Can Learn From the Media”. Stacy Martinet says, “We’ve seen a lot of changes in media this year: from new devices and multiple screens drivingresponsive design, to the rise of native advertising, and the importance of imagery on social networks. The media is an industry that, for the most part, tends to innovate quickly, at the risk of dying. And most of the trends and disruptions that media face usually affect marketers shortly thereafter. So with that, here are three things the media has learned this year that... [...]

‘Make A Resolution: Kill Your P@55W0RD Policies’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Make A Resolution: Kill Your P@55W0RD Policies”. Eve Maler says, “It has finally become hip not just to predict the demise of passwords, but to call for their elimination. The recent Wired article makes an eloquent case about the vulnerabilities that even “strong” passwords are subject to, such as social engineering and outright theft. And strength is, of course, relative and subject to degradation: The latest computer hardware can make short work of cracking more-complex secrets”. Make A Resolution: Kill... [...]

‘E-Commerce’s 2012 Shake-Up’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “E-Commerce’s 2012 Shake-Up”. Allison Howen says, “As merchants gather their bearings from 2012’s busiest shopping season, they must also get prepared for the new trends, technologies and channels that will undoubtedly impact their digital stores in 2013. In 2012, for example, merchants not only had to revamp their Facebook profiles due to the Timeline layout, but many also built a social presence on emerging networks like Google+ and Pinterest. Moreover, mobile, localization and targeting consumers based on their behaviors were... [...]

CPA Confessions: How to use offline methods to earn CPA commission #ad

You can earn money with CPA either online or offline or both. Dan Rusu’s CPA Confessions concentrates on an offline method you probably haven’t heard of. You may know a little about offline CPA, but probably not about this. This is not about handling out business cards or flyers with a link to a website for a CPA offer. While it has an offline focus, you can do it through emails and phone calls. This works; early recipients are already reporting sales with it. And both the training and the method it reveals are low-cost. CPA Confessions is designed so that a beginner with no CPA experience... [...]

‘Affiliate Summit West 2013 is Officially Sold Out’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Affiliate Summit West 2013 is Officially Sold Out”. Collins Says, “Affiliate Summit West 2013, starting on Sunday, January 13, 2013 at Caesars Palace Las Vegas, is now sold out. This will be the biggest Affiliate Summit to date with over 5,000 attendees. As we process cancellations, the registration page will open up and additional registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis”. Affiliate Summit West 2013 is Officially Sold Out Shawn Collins’ Blog  [...]

‘Focus on 2013’ by Charlie Page

Charlie Page’s latest article is titled “Focus on 2013”. Page says, “Many of you have asked about my health challenges after I mentioned briefly that health problems were forcing me to reconsider priorities for 2013. This is a highly personal message so I will be brief. If you are not interested in my personal situation, and how it effects my business, feel free to skip this short post. To make a long story short, I have recently developed some serious (but not life threatening) symptoms that must be taken seriously”. Focus on 2013 Charlie Page’s Blog  [...]

‘212 The Extra Degree’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “212 The Extra Degree”. Gage says, “Recently I had the number 212 show up in several ways; blog posts, forum postings, articles and even the tag on a blouse I received for Christmas. I couldn’t quite figure out what was going on until I did a bit of detective work”. 212 The Extra Degree Kathleen Gage’s Blog  [...]

‘Top Ten Online Marketing Articles in 2012’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “Top Ten Online Marketing Articles in 2012”. Wakeman says, “Year-end always brings a flurry of Top Ten posts, often focusing on a blog’s most popular posts of the year.  This blog is no exception. I dug into my analytics to find the ten online marketing articles that got the most page views and comments during 2012.  Those two metrics are generally a good indication of the types of content your readers enjoy the most and from which they get the most value. Why should you create a year-end Top Ten list? Adds more value for your audience... [...]

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