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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

‘From Frustration to Freedom’ Rich Schefren’s Webinar July 31

Rich Schefren is hosting a webinar on Sunday, July 31. The topic of the webinar is “From Frustration to Freedom”. Schefren has released a video to provide information on his webinar. Webinar Details Key Persons: Rich Schefren Topic: From Frustration to Freedom Day/Date: Sunday, July 31 Register for webinar details. ‘From Frustration to Freedom’ Webinar  [...]

‘My Top 5 Favorite Passive Income Methods’ – ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ Blog

The latest ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ blog post is titled “My Top 5 Favorite Passive Income Methods”. Sunil says, “Whether passive income exists is an age old debate, which in my opinion will never be resolved. It all comes down to our individual definitions of the term. Without “duking” out whose definition is more accurate, here are mytop 5 favorite passive income avenues. No matter how you define passive income, each of these has some characteristics that I am positive will meet your definition as well”. My Top 5 Favorite Passive Income Methods Yaro Starak’s ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’... [...]

‘How We Are Using Google Plus’ by Ryan Deiss

Ryan Deiss’ latest blog post is titled “How We Are Using Google Plus”. Ryan says, “You’ve no doubt heard at least a few things about Google Plus, Google’s new Social Network.  If you’re one of the lucky 20 million, you have already have your account setup and you’re beginning to explore Google Plus wondering if it’s something that will become part of your daily life. I’m not going to bother venturing into the discussion of ‘Will Google Plus Kill Facebook?” Why would I waste my time wondering that when I could be getting ahead of the game and start using... [...]

‘What You Don’t Know That Can Hurt’ – ‘Business Thrival Newsletter’

Denise Gosnell has released the latest issue of ‘Business Thrival Newsletter’. The featured article is titled “What You Don’t Know That Can Hurt” By Denise Gosnell. ‘Business Thrival Newsletter’ Contents “What You Don’t Know That Can Hurt” By Denise Gosnell Proper Use of “Consumer Endorsements” (i.e. Testimonials) Disclosure of “Material Connections” Check It Out! Quick Tips Share Your Thoughts. Business Thrival Newsletter Principle 1:  Get Your Buyer’s Attention  [...]

‘3 Must-Read Copywriting Books’ by Ryan Healy

Ryan Healy’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “3 Must-Read Copywriting Books”. Healy says, “One of the best ways to learn the craft of copywriting is to read and study classic advertising literature. The classics are affordable, accessible, and packed with wisdom. And when you buy them, you won’t be”. 3 Must-Read Copywriting Books Marketing for Success  [...]

Mike Filsaime Releases ‘Evergreen Business System’ Demo Video #2

Mike Filsaime has released a demonstration video of the ‘Evergreen Business System’. Filsaime says, “I just uploaded a new video giving you an EXCLUSIVE Sneak Peek at my Evergreen Business System software. This is the software I’ve been using to automate my sales, turn my business evergreen, and make as much $300,000 and more per month with. I’ve been testing and tweaking it for months now and is just about ready to release it to the public. But not until Tuesday. If you want to turn your business into an EVERGREEN sales generating machine using a way of... [...]

Mark Ling’s ‘Mobile Affiliate Profit Secrets’ Webinar On Replay

Mark Ling’s ‘Mobile Affiliate Profit Secrets’ webinar is on replay. Ling says, “A couple of nights ago I recorded a private webinar with an owner of a mobile affiliate network where he taught “How to profit wildly as a Mobile Affiliate” This webinar presentation was incredibly good and I highly recommend that you watch it while it’s still online. This video is very comprehensive and teaches you exactly how to get started as a mobile affiliate, how to pick profitable niches, how to find offers to promote, what kinds of offers convert best to... [...]

‘The Anti-Procrastination Method, And A Personal Journey Of Vengeance’ by Tony Shepherd

Tony Shepherd’s latest blog post is titled “The anti-procrastination method, and a personal journey of vengeance”. Shepherd says, “I’ve always been a strong believer that your mental attitude to your online business is more important than anything you actually do online. Which is a great and noble thing to write on my blog. I’m also a right lazy sod at times”. The anti-procrastination method, and a personal journey of vengeance Tony Shepherd’s Blog  [...]

‘Revealed: The Secret Source For Winning Google’s Love’ – ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ Blog

The latest ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ blog post is titled “Revealed: The Secret Source For Winning Google’s Love”. Ana says, “In my last post on, we talked about the big fat truth – without unique, fresh, and lengthy content your blog search engine rankings are as good as dead. Check out the previous post here: Blog Writing 101: How To Satisfy Readers And Deliver Top 10 Google Rankings This time I will take it a step further and explain why, without great content, no link building campaign will take you as far with search engines as you would... [...]

‘What I Learned While Writing My First Novel’ – Bill Myers’ Tip Of The Week

Bill Myers has released the latest issue of ‘Tip of the Week’. The featured article is titled “What I learned while writing my first novel”. Bill Myers Tip of the Week – July 30, 2011 =============================================================== What I learned while writing my first novel A few weeks back, I mentioned I was writing a novel with plans to publish it on the Amazon Kindle Platform. Since then, I’ve been hard a work writing.  And this past week, I finally completed the first draft of the novel. Over the next two weeks I’ll be doing the... [...]

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