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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

What do you really need in order to succeed online? #ad

Many beginning marketers have asked themselves that question. And that’s good because it’s a crucial question. Get the answer wrong, and you can waste a lot of money on useless fluff. Even worse, get it wrong, and you very likely will not succeed. Lee Murray, a veteran online marketer of many years standing, has been pondering the question and believes he has the answer, which he includes in his new training, “It’s All You Need”. There are many places online where you can build your business. Murray believes that if you want to start out with an approach that even... [...]

If you aren’t using email, you’re missing sales #ad

The biggest marketing companies around use email: Staples, Kroger, Walmart, Sears and many others use email to sell their products. They know something about email that you may think is no longer true. They know email still works. That’s why they spend thousands of dollars every month sending attractive emails to their customers and their opt-in leads. To prove this point, Joe Lavery cites a high-powered consultant’s report, “”A new study from McKinsey cites email’s dominance over Facebook and Twitter, saying email is nearly 40 times better than Facebook and Twitter at acquiring... [...]

How To Make $100 A Day Sending Emails #ad

Jeremy Kennedy just released a new video showing, in detail, how he uses email to earn $100 per day. He calls it (no surprise here) How To Make $100 A Day Sending Emails. This is a 1 hour 20 minute video that shows you the whole process in a step-by-step way the even beginners can follow. He starts at the very basic level and takes you to an intermediate level. Besides email, he touches on several options for traffic generation, including free ones. If you are wondering if you can afford to implement the process he shows you, you can begin with only a few dollars: • An autoresponder account: ■... [...]

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