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Monday, February 17, 2025

What do you really need in order to succeed online? #ad

Many beginning marketers have asked themselves that question. And that’s good because it’s a crucial question. Get the answer wrong, and you can waste a lot of money on useless fluff. Even worse, get it wrong, and you very likely will not succeed. Lee Murray, a veteran online marketer of many years standing, has been pondering the question and believes he has the answer, which he includes in his new training, “It’s All You Need”. There are many places online where you can build your business. Murray believes that if you want to start out with an approach that even... [...]

21 and Done: The contrarian view of list building #ad

Lee Murray says most so-called gurus of list building have it all wrong. They miss the real keys to building a list of actual buyers, he says, and peddle out-dated non-effective strategies that waste your money and your time. He intends to set the record straight in 21 and Done, his own guide to effective list-building. He says the typical squeeze page with a free offer as bait to get an email address is fatally flawed. It depends too much on luck and wishful thinking. You hope you have good enough bait and will get enough traffic that you will, one day, get enough people on your mailing list to... [...]

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