LinkedInLinkedIn is often seen as a venue for networking with others in your industry, building a web of connections that may, over time, advance your career.

It certainly is that, but it can also be a tool for making immediate sales, not just by placing ads on the site, but also by the content of your posts. You can place a Call to Action in your posts, asking people to contact you, visit your website, etc. Yu may be able, as some others are, to operate the entire public face of your business on LinkedIn.

If you are hesitant to be blatantly commercial in your LinkedIn content, you’re not alone. Many users don’t want to look like they are always asking for something. That’s wise, but adding occasional messages to your stream of helpful content can be productive.

Kait LeDonne has written an article about her on journey from hesitancy to whole-hearted acceptance of commercial writing on Linked in and has published her article on LinkedIn. Take a look. You will find it helpful.

The LinkedIn Post that Led to My $20,000 3-day product launch.

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