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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Archive for the 'Internet Advertising Tips' Category

‘Landing Page Analysis in Google Analytics’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “Landing Page Analysis in Google Analytics”. Melissa Mackey says, “Business websites typically have conversion goals for their visitors to act on. Whether it’s purchasing a product, filling out a form for more information, or signing up for a webinar, the initial step in the path to goal completion is a landing page, the first page a visitor encounters on the site. Google Analytics measures the effectiveness of this first impression by calculating the number of goal completions — i.e., “Goals” created in Analytics — against... [...]

Reminder- ‘The Omnichannel Challenge—Cross-Platform Attribution’ eMarketer Webinar 1.00 pm EST

eMarketer is  hosting a webinar featuring Lauren Fisher on Thursday, February 20 at 1.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “The Omnichannel Challenge—Cross-Platform Attribution”. eMarketer team says, “Omnichannel marketing is the new normal. That means cross-platform attribution is a must-have. Join eMarketer for a free webinar that discusses the challenges of cross-platform attribution and how marketers are dealing with them. Key elements will include: • The two main approaches to cross-platform attribution • Viewability and third-party tracking • Mobile-specific... [...]

‘Does native advertising face a $3 billion question?’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Does native advertising face a $3 billion question?”. Ryan Skinner says, “In 1973, the Wall Street Journal quoted a professor: “Academic politics is the most vicious…because the stakes are so low.” Thereafter, the idea (that the intensity of a dispute is inversely proportional to its stakes) was named after the professor: Sayre’s Law. Sayre’s law applies very well to native advertising. According to Forrester data, digital advertising dollars are today some 20% of traditional advertising dollars. Of those scarce digital... [...]

‘Generating Local Business Beyond the Click’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “Generating Local Business Beyond the Click”. Melissa Mackey says, “Most of my articles address how to succeed with pay-per-click advertising. I’ve written about numerous ways to drive traffic to your website and to convert that traffic into sales or leads. But what if you’re a local business that depends on foot traffic? What if you close most of your sales over the phone? Should you abandon pay-per-click advertising altogether? Not at all. There are several ways you can use PPC to generate business beyond the click”. Generating... [...]

‘Local SEO for Multiple-location Businesses’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “Local SEO for Multiple-location Businesses”. Dustin Christensen says, “Search engine optimization for local businesses can be difficult. That is especially true for companies with multiple locations. But local SEO for small businesses with multiple locations isn’t impossible. It simply requires a highly organized plan based on your business’s goals and geographic priorities. Here are five steps to improve your local organic traffic, and, more importantly, provide a better user experience to potential customers searching in a specific... [...]

‘5 Reasons to Use Content Marketing with Social Media’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “5 Reasons to Use Content Marketing with Social Media”. Kunle Campbell says, “Consumers visit social channels for entertainment, to get information, to gain status by access or comprehension of posted information, and to socialize. Simply plugging a brand or product into social channels is not going to be effective. Too many social marketing efforts fail to recognize the vital importance of posting content that people actually care about. Here are the five reasons your social marketing efforts need to be built around quality content. 1.... [...]

‘How To Set Up An Email A/B Test’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “How To Set Up An Email A/B Test”. Andy Curry says, “Some of the easiest tests you can set up in your Internet marketing involve email. You would be shocked at the subtle differences in email marketing that affect profitability. As I’ve written in other articles, including “Testing Words on your Website to Gain Clients,” the one thing that can generate the most changes in profitability is testing words. In our testing experience, words have been and continue to be the top reason for profitability increases or decreases. It’s... [...]

‘The Omnichannel Challenge—Cross-Platform Attribution’ eMarketer Webinar February 20

eMarketer is  hosting a webinar featuring Lauren Fisher on Thursday, February 20 at 1.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “The Omnichannel Challenge—Cross-Platform Attribution”. eMarketer team says, “Omnichannel marketing is the new normal. That means cross-platform attribution is a must-have. Join eMarketer for a free webinar that discusses the challenges of cross-platform attribution and how marketers are dealing with them. Key elements will include: • The two main approaches to cross-platform attribution • Viewability and third-party tracking • Mobile-specific... [...]

‘Five Native Advertising Tips From a Case Study’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Five Native Advertising Tips From a Case Study”. Jeremy Cesarec says, “Native advertising is still a relatively new arrow in the digital marketer’s quiver, and you’ll be hearing more about it in 2014 as even more editorial and social media sites offer paid opportunities. Although Instagram’s recent foray into sponsored updates met with mixed-to-negative results, many other sites and brands are finding success with native ads. One of our clients, Frontier Co-op, presented us with a challenge for Holiday 2013: Increase... [...]

‘Beginner’s Guide to Email Re-engagement Campaigns’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “Beginner’s Guide to Email Re-engagement Campaigns”. Pamella Neely says, ““Practice good list hygiene.” That’s common email marketing advice many of us hear regularly. It means to do things like: Remove hard bounces after one try; Remove soft bounces after several tries; Remove subscribers who have been inactive for 12 months. Email marketers practice good list hygiene because it improves deliverability rates, and because it trims the fat from email lists. It also improves open rates and click rates. These are all good things”. Beginner’s... [...]

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