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Friday, September 20, 2024

Archive for the 'Google News' Category

‘Grow In-Store Visits From Smartphones For Better Traffic From Google Mobile’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Grow In-Store Visits From Smartphones For Better Traffic From Google Mobile”. Bryson Meunier says, “We know 2013 was the year that Google finally started to improve the smartphone search experience, warning webmasters and marketers about things that make a site less usable for smartphone users — like Flash, faulty redirects, slow loading pages and so on. I know sites can be difficult for mobile searchers to use, regardless of whether they’re dedicated mobile sites, dynamic serving, or responsive web design – so... [...]

‘What kind of user experience ranking signals does Google take notice of?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “What kind of user experience ranking signals does Google take notice of?”. Chris Lake says, “There has been a lot of talk lately about responsive web design, and a number of questions have arisen about how Google perceives sites that go down this route. Matt Cutts said responsive design “won’t harm rankings”. Given that Matt isn’t in the habit of telling everyone how to win at SEO, I think this is as close to an endorsement as we’re going to get. ‘Responsive’ is pretty much used as a byword for ‘mobile... [...]

‘Google Modifies Page Layout Algorithm’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Google Modifies Page Layout Algorithm”. Pete Prestipino says, “Does design play a role in how well your website performs on the search results? It most certainly does and it’s time to start paying attention or your traffic might suffer. Google’s Matt Cutts has announced that the search engine pushed out a “refresh” of the Google Page Layout algorithm around February 6. Cutts did not indicate the degree that the change may have impacted search results, but in the opinion of quite a few SEOs, it seems to... [...]

‘Google’s Secret Weapon Against Amazon: Blistering Fast Networks’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Google’s Secret Weapon Against Amazon: Blistering Fast Networks”. Matt Assay says, “It’s easy to assume the public cloud war is over and Amazon has won. Gartner highlights Amazon Web Services offers five times the utilized compute capacity of the other 14 cloud providers in the Gartner Magic Quadrant. Combined. However impressive this lead may seem, Gartner’s analysis didn’t include the Google Cloud, which hadn’t yet publicly launched. Google is different from Amazon’s other cloud competitors. And... [...]

’10 Ways To Grow Your Business With Google+’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “10 Ways To Grow Your Business With Google+”. Ron Johnson says, “Google Plus is a social media site that lets users share photos, listen to music together, play games and meet up in chat. But it’s also becoming a useful tool for business owners to establish a presence with an ever-growing crowd of active social networking users. Google+ is now one of the best ways to connect and engage with customers, promote products and services and even hold business meetings. Google+ seems to be rolling out new features every week.... [...]

’18 useful custom Google Analytics reports, segments and dashboards for SEO’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “18 useful custom Google Analytics reports, segments and dashboards for SEO”. Graham Charlton says, “The customisable features in Google Analytics are great for extracting maximum value from your data.  Here I’ve gathered together a selection of custom reports, dashboards and advanced segments to help you measure SEOefforts more effectively. Some you’ll need to create yourself, following the instructions, while the rest you can just click and download and save lots of time and effort. Just click the download... [...]

‘What Google Hummingbird Really Means and What Marketers Can Do About It’ – TopRank Blog

The latest TopRank blog post is titled “What Google Hummingbird Really Means and What Marketers Can Do About It”. Eliza Steely says, “In the digital marketing world, change is inevitable. At some point in life we are all forced to adapt, change paths, learn new skills or face something we definitely weren’t expecting. As marketers with strong search marketing skills, adapting to change is something we do all the time at TopRank Online Marketing. With Google’s 665 algorithm updates in 2012 alone, we have to! Along with the changes in other aspects of professional life, we sometimes... [...]

‘Google Just Became a Videoconferencing Hardware Company’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Google Just Became a Videoconferencing Hardware Company”. Chris Taylor says, “It’s a search company, an advertising company, a browser, OS and computer maker, and the leader in wearable computing. Now Google has casually muscled its way into another business: high-end videoconferencing for companies.As of Thursday, Google will sell you a $999 package unimaginatively called “Chromebox for meetings”. The set-up includes a Chromebox — Google’s answer to the Mac Mini — as well as a 1080p HD camera, a combination... [...]

‘Landing Page Optimization Using Google Analytics’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Landing Page Optimization Using Google Analytics”. Joydeep Bhattacharya says, “The page on which a visitor lands on your website is known as the landing page. Wouldn’t you love to have an optimized, user friendly and a revenue generating landing page? I am sure you will! But, the sorry part is that, most of the webmasters spend their time making their home page look elegant instead of the landing page! One of the most critical aspects of making your website convert well is to make the landing pages optimized. So,... [...]

‘Terminator No More: Google Glass Gets A Makeover’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Terminator No More: Google Glass Gets A Makeover”. Taylor Hatmaker says, “For nearly a year, Google Glass Explorers who lacked 20/20 vision—or didn’t feel like getting crafty with duct tape—were left high and dry with no way to make Glass play nice with prescription lenses. That functionality was among the device’s most requested features—and now it’s here. As the company announced on Google+, Glass-friendly frames are now available in Google’s online Glass store. The online storefront stocks Glass itself (still an astronomical... [...]

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