A content marketing strategy is a plan for creating and distributing content to attract a target audience and influence their buying decisions.

Copyblogger contributor Jon Nastor has published an article answering the question ‘What Is a Content Marketing Strategy?’.

He says, “Our organic growth strategy is simple:

  • Listen
  • Learn
  • Strategize
  • Execute

We start by gaining an in-depth understanding of your customers and analyzing and assessing the competitive landscape.

“How can we expect anyone to listen if we are using the same old voice? We need new noise. New art for real people!” – Refused, “New Noise”

We need to understand the unique factors surrounding your particular business. We do this by asking the following questions:

  • Who is your audience?
  • What resonates with them the most?
  • What does the buying process look like for your product or service?

Then, we design a customized content marketing strategy for your business.”

What Is a Content Marketing Strategy?


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