A variety of content formats deliver different performances when it comes to search engine marketing.

Content Marketing Institute contributor Jim Yu has published an article featuring four types of content you should optimize for Google’s Search Generative Experience.

He says, “To make the most of Google’s Search Generative Experience, optimize for these four types of content.

1. Images and videos

Visual content often wins prominent positions in organic search results and SGEs. Optimize your image and video search strategy for the following:

Speak to searcher intent across conversational queries

  • Use up-to-date keyword research.
  • Break long, complex videos into snackable clips that answer a single question or explain one idea.
  • Use professional quality, original images to clearly convey one point, product, or concept and stand out in competitive multimedia search results.

Review the site’s schema markup and structured data

  • Use structured data and schema markup to help search engines more easily understand video and image content.
  • Add descriptions, file names, and alt text.”

How To Optimize Your Content for Google’s Search Generative Experience 

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