Facebook automated rules empower advertisers to automate routine campaign management tasks, saving time and enabling a proactive approach to optimization.

WordStream contributor Brett McHale has published an article featuring three time-saving Facebook automated rules to try.

He says, “Advertisers can elect to use automated rules for a variety of reasons, whether it be for tighter budget control, ad optimization, or ensuring audience saturation is reduced. Implementing automated rules can have a profound impact on the efficiency of your Meta Ads account and its ability to deliver quality results for your business.

Types of Facebook automated rules

As you get started with automated rules, you are presented with these options:

  • Custom rules
  • Reduce auction overlap
  • Optimize ad creative
  • Reduce audience fragmentation

Let’s go over these quickly so we know what we’re working with:

Custom rules

This allows you to create your own rules, selecting the parameters, the triggers, and the action that you wish to be taken.”

3 Time-Saving Facebook Automated Rules to Try (+1 to Avoid!)

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