Yogesh Agarwal has just launched TubeRushr, which he says will get you “100,000s visitors/month – NO ads, NO skills, NO experience”.

Digging into the product, we discovered that it creates YouTube Shorts from existing YouTube videos, As you probably know the YT terms allow you to post videos created by other people (kind of like retweeting on Twitter), and this is a feature that this new software uses. You can make shorts from your own videos or others.

What’s included inside TubeRushr:
➤ The fastest, easiest & possibly silliest way to pull in tens of thousands of visitors every single day from YouTube
➤ Create 100s of attention-grabbing, viral YouTube shorts that drive traffic to your websites, blogs, and offers
➤ Add your videos or use other people’s viral videos to create shorts.
➤ Use the Included High-Converting, Highly Engaging Templates or Start From Scratch
➤ Fully-fledged yet simple editor to customize your videos.
➤ Customize your branding.
➤ Add Call-To-Actions (CTAs) to your shorts
➤ Add text overlays to your videos for even more engagement
➤ Viral Quote Generator
➤ Facts Generator
➤ Viral Shorts Finder
➤ Royalty-Free Music Library
➤ Add real Human Voiceover To Your Shorts Using Our Text-To-Speech Engine
➤ 10 Million+ built-in Premium Stock Images and Videos
➤ Export Your Video In 720p and HD 1080p
➤ Commercial license During Launch Period Only

It is just launched. Get it here: TubeRushr.

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