A 301 redirect signals a permanent redirect from one URL to another, meaning all users that request an old URL will be automatically sent to a new URL.

Search Engine Journal contributor Kristi Hines has published an article explaining whether 301 redirects are a Google ranking factor.

She says, “301 redirects may not boost the rankings of your webpages, but they can ensure that both Google and search users are directed to the content you want them to find.

They also ensure you don’t lose the ranking signals built to old URLs when moving them to new ones.

But while they are essential for signaling the proper canonical and passing ranking signals, we have no official confirmation that 301 redirects are a ranking factor.

Remember that just because something isn’t a Google Ranking Factor doesn’t mean it’s unimportant. You should still manage redirects carefully and avoid technical issues such as redirect chains.”

Are 301 Redirects A Google Ranking Factor?

Search Engine Journal

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