An effective omnichannel approach surrounds your customers with relevant, targeted, 360-degree marketing that seamlessly connects experiences across media channels. It’s essential for reaching today’s shoppers.

Adweek is hosting a webinar ‘3 Steps to Making Omnichannel Marketing a Reality: Reach the Modern Shopper’ on Thursday, March 17, 2022, at 1.00 pm EST.

The Adweek team says, “Hear from Chobani’s director of shopper marketing Pankita Desai and Catalina U.S. CRO Stacey Hawes, who will explore ways to influence purchase behavior by maximizing omnichannel campaigns. You’ll find out:

  • New methods for precise audience targeting
  • How to maximize the evolving reach of TV and out-of-home
  • Best practices for consistent measurement and optimization across all channels.”

3 Steps to Making Omnichannel Marketing a Reality


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