WordPress is one of the most preferred CMS when it comes to publishing and maintaining your sites online. But it needs to be safeguard from hackers.

Search Engine Journal contributor Vahan Petrosyan has shared 16 useful security tips to secure your WP sites.

He says, “Let’s dive into how to harden our WordPress installs in order to make life a little more difficult for attackers.

Keep reading to learn more about each of these 16 ways to harden your WordPress website security:

1. Secure Your Site With HTTPS

It isn’t by accident that we’ll start by securing the website with HTTPS.

Everything you do flows through the network and wire cables. HTTP exchanges data as plain text between browser and server. Therefore, anyone who has access to the network between the server and the browser is able to view your unencrypted data.

If you don’t protect your connection, you’re at risk of exposing sensitive data to attackers. With HTTPS, your data will be encrypted and attackers will not be able to read the data transmitted even if they have access to your network”.

Just Say No to Hackers: How to Harden Your WordPress Security

Search Engine Journal

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