The 2020’s peak shopping season will be approaching soon. You can grow your sales this year by developing a stronger SEO and sales strategy.

MOZ contributor Miriam Ellis has shared local SEO tips for the 2020 holidays.

Ellis says, “Whatever your business can offer to support local shoppers’ aspirations for a safe, comfortable, happy holiday season at home is commendable at the end of a very challenging 2020. I hope these eight local search marketing tips will help you make good connections that serve your customers — and your business — well into the new year.

1) Survey customers now and provide what they want

Reasonably-priced survey software is worth every penny in 2020. For as little as $20/month, your local business can understand exactly how much your customers’ needs have changed this past year by surveying:

  • Which products locals are having trouble locating
  • Which products/services they most want for the holidays
  • Which method of shopping/delivery would be most convenient for them”.

My 8 Best Local SEO Tips for the 2020 Holidays


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