Quality and original content plays a vital role in achieving higher Google search rankings. By focusing right keywords and following the algorithms you can make most from your content.

Content Marketing Institute’s Mike Murray has shared eight ways to help you improve your search engine result page rankings with great content.

Murray says, “How can you, the content marketer, rise up? Put on your SEO boxing gloves to pack a bigger influence on how your content appears among the SERPs:

Write more

I get it. When brands prioritize publishing higher-quality content but doing it less often, it can impress visitors and pay off in brand recognition, trust, and content sharing. But if you’re fading in the SERPs, you need an edge. Feed more content to Google. If the quality is decent and you follow SEO best practices, extra content will help you earn more rankings and get more natural search traffic.

Take Allstate’s lead. You could easily crank out an article like Auto Insurance for Teen Drivers. I know it’s filled with product references. But that information is supplemented with safety tips and quick access to state requirements for insurance”.

Rise Up in Google SERPs With the Right SEO Website Content

Content Marketing Institute

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