A squeeze page is created gathering email addresses from prospective customers or subscribers. A well-designed squeeze page can help you to increase your prospects and customers.

HubSpot contributor Rebecca White has published an article to help you increase your leads by creating squeeze pages.

White says, “While squeeze pages are a type of landing page, it’s important to note that not all landing pages are a squeeze page.

Some landing pages have multiple conversion goals, such as offering a free trial. On the other hand, the only goal of a squeeze page is to get an email address.

After a user has entered their email address on your squeeze page, you should:

  • Deliver your content offer immediately.
  • Show users a thank you page that answers any questions and lets them know what the next steps are.
  • Send an automated message reminding users why they gave you their email address. Something that says thank you, gives users the content offer and lets them know what types of emails to expect from you and how often”.

How to Create Squeeze Pages That Generate Tons of Leads


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