Mobile A/B testing allows you to test different experiences within mobile apps. In this process, app users are randomly bucketed into different segments, and each is shown a different experience.

A/B Testing

PPC Hero contributor Lina Danilchik has shared seven misconceptions about the mobile A/B testing procedure.

Danilchik says, “I will cover the biggest mistakes and misleading conclusions in mobile app A/B testing, knowledge of which will help you achieve success. 

1.  Finishing an experiment before you get the right amount of traffic

This is one of the most common mistakes in mobile A/B testing. In case you are an adherent of classic A/B testing, finishing an experiment before you get the necessary amount of traffic  – sample size – presents a risk that you will get statistically unreliable results

To get reliable evidence, you need to wait until the required amount of traffic is reached for both A and B variations.

If you are looking for an alternative to the classic option, resort to sequential A/B Testing. You will need to start with specifying the baseline conversion rate”.

Mobile A/B Testing: 7 Big Errors and Misconceptions You Need to Avoid

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