Your blog content represents your “brand”. Usually we post text, video and audio content on our blogs. But what are some other things that can enhance the credibility of our blogs?

By creating new varieties of blog content you can make it interesting. Blogging Wizard’s Stacey Corrin has shared an article highlighting 40 different types of content you can create for your blog.

Corrin says, “Here are 40 different types of content you can publish:

1. Listicles

Everybody loves a list. They’re easy to scan, have digestible information and they’re super popular for social media sharing.

You can create lists on almost any subject. It could be your favourite books or a list of your top bloggers to follow.

2. Written tutorials and how to’s

Tutorials and how-to guides are a great way to engage your audience and educate them in a single blog post. Plus, they’re easy to work on too since you’re already familiar with the topic”.

40 Different Types Of Content You Can Create For Your Blog

Blogging Wizard

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