Research plays an important role in your marketing strategy. It helps you in decision-making processes by supplying relevant, up-to-date and accurate data. Those who run their marketing campaigns in successful manner do study and research.

Content Marketing Institute contributor Michele Linn has shared seven things that marketers do with research and improve their performance.

Linn says, “I recently dug into this topic for a study my firm conducted with our friends at BuzzSumo. We surveyed nearly 650 marketers. While the majority consider original research to be effective, some marketers have more success than others.

1. Measure meaningful metrics

We asked respondents to identify the marketing-focused benefits achieved with original research. As you can see from the chart below, successful marketers are more likely to report improved results across all of their marketing goals (with social shares as the only outlier).

While social shares are important for some businesses (and they are easy to measure), my recommendation is to prioritize another metric such as media mentions, backlinks, leads, or subscribers – they likely have more of an impact on your program”.

7 Things Successful Marketers Do With Original Research

Content Marketing Institute

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