An effective copy helps you to persuade prospects and convert them into customers. You need a lot of practice and creativity to achieve your marketing goals.

Copyblogger contributor Sonia Simone has shared five ways to help marketers improve their copywriting skills.

Simone says, “There’s nothing magical or tricky to getting someone to do something just by asking them, right? That’s completely obvious.

And most copy doesn’t do it.

Which is why most copy gets weak results.

Persuasive writing needs a strong call to action

The advice to “always ask them” has been turned into a heroic-sounding marketing term called the call to action, as if trumpets were sounding and prospects were marching off to war just because you inserted a couple of words at the end of your copy.

The term might sound a little bombastic”.

How to Be a Copywriting Genius: The Brilliantly Sneaky Trick You Must Learn


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