You content marketing campaigns require authentic new ideas. When your campaigns lack these, they may fail.

MarketingProfs contributor Kevin Owens has shared three reasons why the content marketing campaigns fail. He has also offered remedies to avoid failures.

Owens says, “Instead of flooding the Internet with content that’s merely meh, avoid the following content marketing mistakes to ensure that you are strategically producing content that breaks through and wows your audience.

1. Lack of Research

Many content teams don’t spend sufficient time up front to research the niche they are targeting, missing opportunities for creating unique content. Little to no audience research is done to understand important gaps in the market. No interviews. No insight into what’s being shared or linked to the most, by whom, or for what reasons. Often little thought is given to the types of content that would truly captivate the targeted audience”.

Three Reasons Most Content Marketing Fails, and What to Do About Them


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