Google has initiated the procedure for mobile-first indexing under which Google’s going to be primarily crawling and indexing the mobile version of websites.

Still there prevails confusion over Google’s initiative. Econsultancy columnist Marcus Tober has shared five prominent questions that webmasters are facing.

Tober says, “Here are some of the issues that people are still asking questions about.

1. With so many fully responsive websites today is mobile-first really a big deal?

Many sites today use responsive technology, which means their pages automatically adapt to the device they’re viewed on – whether a desktop or mobile screen. It’s really only those sites that rely on a separate mobile subdomain that are going to be most affected by mobile-first. So why all the fuss?

The problem is, there are still plenty of sites that have separate domains. And it’s usually the bigger and longer established ones that do. For example:, and!

While the big brands such as Facebook, eBay and Wikipedia, will obviously have invested heavily in ensuring they are ready for mobile-first, others with mobile subdomains will still have work to do. They may have been focusing more on optimising their desktop sites (as until now Google has had more a ‘desktop-first’ strategy). And they’ll need to ensure their mobile version contains everything (content, structured data, meta, images etc.) the desktop version does – and to ensure it’s all optimised for mobile. It could all add up to a lot of work”.

Five lingering questions about Google’s move to mobile-first indexing

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