Making marketing videos can be intimidating. You may think you don’t look good enough or don’t speak well enough. You may get stage fright.

But you know how valuable a video can be in converting visitors to buyers. Can anything make you feel comfortable making videos? Now there is a solution for your problems: EZ Magic Video.

This new software lets professional spokespeople, including Todd Gross and 5 other professionals take your message to social mdia or your own website.

The process is easy:
1. Select Your Spokesperson
2. Build Your “Script” from the 2000 video clips (optionally, you can get thousands more) with short sentences often used in marketing. Select the ones you need to build the script you need.
3. Chose Your Options, background images and music, for example. You can also select various views of the spokesperson (close-up, standing beside text, etc.)
4. Push the button to automatically build your video.

Here are a couple of sample videos made with EZ Magic Video:

EZ Magic Video – Demo 1 – Todd – Affiliate Marketing from Matt Bush on Vimeo.

EZ Magic Video – Demo – Ashley – Real Estate from Matt Bush on Vimeo.

This is cloud software, so both PC and Mac users (and Linux and Android users, too) can use EZ Magic Video with ease.

The price is rising as the launch comes to an end. This weekend, it will be over. So check out this new software and some bonuses we have arranged, here: EZ Magic Video.

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