In marketing, you need to keep your eyes and ears open. It is an experimental process that leads to success and failures.

You would agree that following the set examples of brands can help you design successful campaigns. Learning from these brands can get you success in your marketing endeavours.

Entrepreneur contributor Jim Joseph has shared the marketing strategies adopted by five major brands.

Joseph says, “Marketing is a spectator sport. We can all learn from each other by observing what brands do in the marketplace, even if we don’t have big budgets.

Specifically, we’re finding more and more brands making a buzz in the court of social media, and there’s something to be learned from every one of them: the good and the, shall we say, not-so-good.

Marketing strategy mishaps


One of the most newsworthy marketing moments of late came from PepsiCo, which made headlines about snacks designed for women. Twitter lit up like a Christmas tree talking about “Lady Doritos,” asking CEO Indra Nooyi to focus on the bigger issues facing women that are making headlines right now. Even Ellen had something to say about it!“.

5 Marketing Strategies From Major Brands: What You Can Learn From Their Mistakes and Successes


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