Making your subscribers open and respond to your emails or take actions is one of the biggest challenges that we marketers face today.

But at the same time email marketing is one of the most successful forms of marketing that surely gives good ROI.

HubSpot columnist Aja Frost has shared seventeen email subject lines that can help you improve your open rates.

Frost says, “Use these subject lines knowing that they’ve been tried, tested, and verified to work by reps around the world.

1) “Have you tried [restaurant in prospect’s town]?”

The salesperson who suggested this said it has an insanely high open rate. And I’m not surprised; if I got an email asking whether I’d visited Waypoint — one of the best seafood places in Cambridge in my opinion — I’d click so fast I’d break the sound barrier.

To use this line, do a little digging to discover A) where the prospect’s company is located and B) one of the top-rated restaurants in that area. And you don’t have to pretend you’ve gone there. Inside the email, say something like, “If I ever visit [location], should I go? Does it deserve the hype?”

Why it works: You’ll start a rapport-building conversation, show you did your homework, and make the prospect feel like a local expert in one fell swoop”.

17 Email Subject Lines Sales Reps Swear By & Why They Work So Well [Updated for 2018]


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