Murray Newlands says, “Chatbots have taken the marketing world by storm. They are offering A.I.-powered technology to companies, allowing them to provide more advanced customer care while monetizing their marketing efforts by pushing deals and promotions on demand. Unlike popular belief, creating a chatbot does not have to be a hard task that costs lots of money.  To help you with your chatbot making endeavors, below, I’ve outlined the benefits of implementing a chatbot into your business and 10 tips for creating a successful chatbot.

The benefits of implementing a chatbot.

The real question is, why should you get on the chatbot bandwagon? The answer is simple. Chatbots are a cheap and effective way for you to automate certain day-to-day tasks, allowing you to focus your resources on the operational aspects of your business. Adding chatbots to your marketing mix will benefit you because they are relatively new and can be incorporated directly into your social media efforts. Chatbots allow you to:

  • More conveniently reach your audience.
  • Answer your customers’ queries.
  • Increase your lead generation.
  • Build brand awareness.
  • Boost your sales”.

10 Tips for Creating a Great Chatbot


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